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Thank you for the input, lithium sounds like the solution to my
non-operational problem at lower temps.
On Sat, 16 Apr 2005 18:45:59 -0400, ASAAR <> wrotf:
>On Sat, 16 Apr 2005 20:12:48 GMT, Socrates wrote:
>> I am having problems with my Fuji 3800 operating at tempartures below
>> 32F to capture some nice winter scenes.
> What kind of problems? Exposure? (pun not intended). Does the
>camera simply power off? I used a similar Fuji (also used 4 AAs) at
>temperatures slightly colder than that using freshly charged NiMH
>batteries and when I stopped taking pictures several hours later the
>batteries still had life left in them. But in cold weather such as
>this, both NiMH and alkaline batteries will not last nearly as long
>as they normally do. If you have to take pictures at that
>temperature (or even in much colder weather), a set of lithium AAs,
>while fairly expensive, are what you want to use. Their capacity is
>hardly effected by cold weather. As a rough guide, if in mild
>weather a camera can get 150 shots from alkalines, 300 shots from
>NiMH batteries, it might get 700 shots from lithium. At
>temperatures well below 32F these battery capacities might drop to
>20, 30 and 600 shots, respectively. These numbers aren't very
>precise, but looking at battery data sheets you can see that
>alkalines and NiMH battery capacities drop of markedly at low
>temperatures, and keeps dropping rapidly as the weather gets colder.
>Lithiums only start to lose significant amounts of capacity when the
>temperature drops well below zero (Farenheit). With all of these
>batteries, if they're allowed to warm up again, they'll appear to
>have magically revived, so the cold weather doesn't "use up" battery
>power, it just makes it harder for the batteries to deliver their
>power since cold weather slows that rate of chemical processes
>within the batteries. Now after all that, I hope you don't tell us
>that your problem was really about slow or inexact focusing where
>the subjects were snowmen against a background of more snow.
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