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More info?)
i guss i will have to run another line,i had 2 lines one for c and one for
ku,but the ku has gotten water inside the coax,and is shorting,i was looking
for a easer way than running a new coax,thans for the info
"Valdivar" <> wrote in message
> If I understand the question: What he needs to have (instead of the
> "diplexers") is a 2,or 4 way DISEQC switch(as well as 2 hi-freq. 1 port
> power pass splitters)..
> on each splitter the power port goes to the BUD receiver,the other line
> to one port on the diseqC switch,then he must enbale the appropriate port
> the FTA rcvr's menu.
> "Zoyburg" <> wrote in message
> news:xtU_c.384295$%_6.67580@attbi_s01...
> > Phil wrote:
> >
> > > i have a big sat system [4dtv] with c & ku lnbs,with a fta slaved to
> it,will
> > > the Diplexer s work to combind and seperate the c & ku signals,or
> i
> > > need to run a second cable for the ku?i know they will work on sat
> > > standard ant,but cant find any info on c and ku, thank fo any info
> >
> > A second cable would be best, but you can also use a 22khz switch at the
> feed.
> >
> > Plug the Ku line into the side requiring the tone, and tell your FTA
> receiver
> > to generate the tone for Ku signals. Plug the C line into the other
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