Diplexer C & KU


Jan 21, 2001
Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.4dtv (More info?)

i have a big sat system [4dtv] with c & ku lnbs,with a fta slaved to it,will
the Diplexer s work to combind and seperate the c & ku signals,or do i
need to run a second cable for the ku?i know they will work on sat and
standard ant,but cant find any info on c and ku, thank fo any info phil
Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.4dtv (More info?)

On Sun, 5 Sep 2004 18:14:33 -0400, "Phil" <ppuett@trip.net> wrote:

>i have a big sat system [4dtv] with c & ku lnbs,with a fta slaved to it,will
>the Diplexer s work to combind and seperate the c & ku signals,or do i
>need to run a second cable for the ku?i know they will work on sat and
>standard ant,but cant find any info on c and ku, thank fo any info phil

If you have C and KU you have two lines into the house already.
Simply use high freq splitters on each line, connect the leg of the
splitter with the line to your existing unit where you pulled them
from. Connect the remaining spots on the splitter to a 22khz or 12v
switch or a diseq switch or a simple a/b switch.

LO for:
C 5150
KU 10750
DBS 11250
Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.4dtv (More info?)

Diplexers will not work. The frequency traveling through the LNB cable for
C and Ku fall within the same frequency range. There would be no way to
distinguish which signal belonged to which band.

"Phil" <ppuett@trip.net> wrote in message news:10jn3uds53h3a05@corp.supernews.com...
|i have a big sat system [4dtv] with c & ku lnbs,with a fta slaved to it,will
| the Diplexer s work to combind and seperate the c & ku signals,or do i
| need to run a second cable for the ku?i know they will work on sat and
| standard ant,but cant find any info on c and ku, thank fo any info phil
Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.4dtv (More info?)

Phil wrote:

> i have a big sat system [4dtv] with c & ku lnbs,with a fta slaved to it,will
> the Diplexer s work to combind and seperate the c & ku signals,or do i
> need to run a second cable for the ku?i know they will work on sat and
> standard ant,but cant find any info on c and ku, thank fo any info phil

A second cable would be best, but you can also use a 22khz switch at the feed.

Plug the Ku line into the side requiring the tone, and tell your FTA receiver
to generate the tone for Ku signals. Plug the C line into the other side.
Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.4dtv (More info?)

If I understand the question: What he needs to have (instead of the
"diplexers") is a 2,or 4 way DISEQC switch(as well as 2 hi-freq. 1 port
power pass splitters)..

on each splitter the power port goes to the BUD receiver,the other line goes
to one port on the diseqC switch,then he must enbale the appropriate port in
the FTA rcvr's menu.

"Zoyburg" <rats@attib.com> wrote in message
> Phil wrote:
> > i have a big sat system [4dtv] with c & ku lnbs,with a fta slaved to
> > the Diplexer s work to combind and seperate the c & ku signals,or do
> > need to run a second cable for the ku?i know they will work on sat and
> > standard ant,but cant find any info on c and ku, thank fo any info phil
> A second cable would be best, but you can also use a 22khz switch at the
> Plug the Ku line into the side requiring the tone, and tell your FTA
> to generate the tone for Ku signals. Plug the C line into the other side.

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Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.4dtv (More info?)

i guss i will have to run another line,i had 2 lines one for c and one for
ku,but the ku has gotten water inside the coax,and is shorting,i was looking
for a easer way than running a new coax,thans for the info
"Valdivar" <rebelleader68@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> If I understand the question: What he needs to have (instead of the
> "diplexers") is a 2,or 4 way DISEQC switch(as well as 2 hi-freq. 1 port
> power pass splitters)..
> on each splitter the power port goes to the BUD receiver,the other line
> to one port on the diseqC switch,then he must enbale the appropriate port
> the FTA rcvr's menu.
> "Zoyburg" <rats@attib.com> wrote in message
> news:xtU_c.384295$%_6.67580@attbi_s01...
> > Phil wrote:
> >
> > > i have a big sat system [4dtv] with c & ku lnbs,with a fta slaved to
> it,will
> > > the Diplexer s work to combind and seperate the c & ku signals,or
> i
> > > need to run a second cable for the ku?i know they will work on sat
> > > standard ant,but cant find any info on c and ku, thank fo any info
> >
> > A second cable would be best, but you can also use a 22khz switch at the
> feed.
> >
> > Plug the Ku line into the side requiring the tone, and tell your FTA
> receiver
> > to generate the tone for Ku signals. Plug the C line into the other
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.745 / Virus Database: 497 - Release Date: 8/27/2004
Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.4dtv (More info?)

On Mon, 6 Sep 2004 15:59:46 -0400, "Phil" <ppuett@trip.net> wrote:

>i guss i will have to run another line,i had 2 lines one for c and one for
>ku,but the ku has gotten water inside the coax,and is shorting,i was looking
>for a easer way than running a new coax,thans for the info\

Doing anything but running a new cable is a hack. I suggest a nice
quad shield RG-6 to replace the bad KU line. Since you are doing it,
you might as well run two. :)
Archived from groups: alt.video.satellite.4dtv (More info?)

Phil wrote:

> i guss i will have to run another line,i had 2 lines one for c and one for
> ku,but the ku has gotten water inside the coax,and is shorting,i was looking
> for a easer way than running a new coax,thans for the info

Both of us are telling you an easier way than running a new coax.

You just install a switch at the LNB side. I'm suggesting using a 22khz switch,
while Valdivar is suggesting using a DiSEqC switch. Either way should work, but
I think the 22khz switch will be less trouble (not that I really know).

At the LNBs, you need two short pieces of coax to go from each LNB to the switch.
Then your long coax runs from the switch into your house.

How you're wired inside the house is another matter; there are many options.

You might consider using a 12V switch backwards, with each receiver hooked to
the "inputs" and the long coax hooked up to the "output". The FTA receiver
should be hooked up to the side requiring 12V, while the C-band receiver is
hooked up to the other side. Then just program your FTA receiver to turn on
+12V for all transponders, and turn on 22khz for all Ku transponders. Of
course, the 12V control line from the switch goes to the FTA receiver.
Turning off the FTA receiver will switch the 12V switch over to the other

You can also use a similar relay arrangement to move control of the skew
wires from one receiver to another. A 12V DPDT relay will do the job of
switching over the +5V and pulse lines (ground is common).