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"Randy S." <> wrote in message
> John Smith wrote:
>> "TiVo announced the signing of a new services agreement with DIRECTV,
>> extending the companies' prior services agreement."
>> I'm sure the very vocal "Tivo Is Dead" crowd will poke their fingers in
>> their ears and cover their eyes while repeating "It means nothing, It
>> means nothing,......
> It could also mean that the box they are releasing on their own is having
> its scheduled slipped, interesting.
> Others are probably going to jump all over the ad features, but honestly,
> they don't sound too horrible. I can almost believe this statement:
> "TiVo's new advertising technology is designed so that TiVo subscribers
> retain control over their viewing experience, while giving advertisers new
> tools to engage interested consumers."
> It sounds like they're adding custom ad logos (as opposed to the general
> green thumbs up one) that will show during commercials while playing or
> fast-forwarding through them, that lead to extended content about the ad.
> I can live with that, because it is no more difficult to ignore it then it
> is now.
> OTOH, Being able to schedule a season pass while a show is playing seems
> like a win-win function to me.
> Randy S.
It's my guess that there are two kinds of advertisers that
may notice an impact from the viewer's ability to both
fast forward and pause their commercials. Some should
see a positive impact, from those of us who used to never
find a pencil in time to write down the number for
something that caught their eye. The other would be those
with a bunch of fine print in their adds that no one could
read before.