Disappearing Shift Key on Android

Alex VanDover

Apr 30, 2014
On my Droid Turbo, whenever I click on a password field when logging in, the shift (uppercase) key disappears. In any other textbox, the shift key is there and fine, but only when I tap on a password textbox to enter a password does the shift key disappear. To enter a password with capital letters, I have to type it into the username field, cut it, then paste it into the password field. Anyone know what is going here?

I'm having the same issue and can't find any solutions or even any other mentions of this problem besides this post. Did you ever figure it out?

To fix this, I went into Settings > Language & Input > clicked on Gboard > Went into Theme and turned on the Key Boarder and changed the background to a color. This changed it so the Shift key started showing in the password field again.