There's nothing wrong with skipping shows that don't interest you! But i think based on what you've said in this article about what you _do_ want that Andor slipped under your radar.
The show is definitely morally gray and dark, there are no Jedi, and not even anyone with a heart of gold. (_Maybe_ Mon Mothma, but this early on in her Rebel career she's shielded from having to make most of the hard moral choices, and even so she still makes some questionable decisions.)
The show is about the bad days under the Empire. About half the viewpoint characters are Imperial functionaries or Imperial wannabe bootlickers. The most prominent of the "good guys" are a scoundrel with a heart of dross who spends most of the series running away whenever he can, and a ruthless revolutionary with a heart of iron.
It's a show unlike anything that has come in Star Wars before, and in a lot of ways feels more real than anything else in the canon so far.
It's a shame that it came out around the same time as many other mediocre Star Wars shows so people were feeling burned out and the Disney marketers didn't know how to explain to people why this one was different.