Do all headsets with usb connector instead of the 3,5mm have their own external sound cards?


Nov 18, 2017
I have a huge problem with the level of the noise that my mainbord (soundcard) can produce. Its so low that its impossible to use it for playing games if using headsets. Its realtek audio sound card. If I am playing on speakers its allright but if I plug in my headsets (3,5mm) its way too quiet. I am wondering if I buy a USB headset that has its own soundcard is it gonna be louder? Is it even true that USB-headsets have their own soundcards? Or do I need to buy better internal soundcard? If so which one should I get?

Countless Chinese factories produce countless stuff under different names, so I can't tell anything for this EUR10 stick. It might sound good, bad, or awful.

My Slovenian (if I'm not mistaken) is kind of rough, but the only review left there seems to like it, so you'll lose only 10 bucks if you try it for yourself.

Yeah I have a decent 3.5mm headphones that sound good on phone and tablet. The sound there is "strong"/loud enaugh. Do you think an item like this could be a sollution to increase volume?

If not, which headphone amplifier would you suggest me? I have seen many on gearbest for example (cheap ones).

Countless Chinese factories produce countless stuff under different names, so I can't tell anything for this EUR10 stick. It might sound good, bad, or awful.

My Slovenian (if I'm not mistaken) is kind of rough, but the only review left there seems to like it, so you'll lose only 10 bucks if you try it for yourself.
Yes, you are right (Slovenian). Okay. Yeah thats why I have already ordered that external sound card for 10€. Gonna test it out and report the result :) Hope it works. If it wont be any better, than I will just get myself a USB headset.