Do I Need a Router?


Feb 10, 2012
I only have one computer and do not need a router in that sense. I've read on the web that even if the user only has one computer that he/she should get a router anyways because that provides protection against attacks against the computer.

I called my cable company and they said you only need a router if you want to access the internet with multiple computers. So what is the correct answer here?

If I need a router (for this extra added protection), what is the best router just for the extra protection. I do not need WIFI capabilities.
It depends on the definition of "need". To function you don't need a router. But as you have been told, a router provides a significant level of protection for your PC. I would say a router is "recommended". For two reasons. The protection and the ability to use WIFI for phones, tablets, friends phones, etc.
The problem is I'm getting conflicting opinions: one side says you don't need a router if you only have one computer* and another says you'll need one if you want the extra added security.

*This comment was made by the ISP.

As a border device, the router stinks. But it stinks less than a bare PC.
Layered security.

Thanks for the link to that article.

If it was me, I would get a router (wireless) simply because you can pick one up for cheap if need be. If down the road you find you want a better one then replace it. But on the other hand I use wireless internet all the time, between my phone, e-reader, laptop, etc...

I don't want it to be wireless since I don't need wireless. It would just mean that people around me could possibly hack into my system. Non Wifi router would be prefered.

All the information about protecting routers is on wireless routers.


No, it's also about changing the default admin password, among other things.

So...all the evil hackers out there are continually doing IP address and port scans. 24/7...your connection is being pinged. And you can't prevent that. It's what they do.

You are given a public IP address by your ISP. This is what they scan.
With 'only' a modem, that public IP relates directly to your PC.
With a router in between, that is the device that gets pinged, not your actual PC.

Personally, I like not having the actual IP address of my PC out there in public.

Basically, yes.
You have a public IP address, given to you by the ISP. Let's say it is
Attempts are made to that IP address 24/7. Knock knock, let me in.

With just a modem, that is directly to your PC
A router, even a crappy one, introduces another layer in there.
The outside world would see the router at that IP address.
Your internal IP address would be something like, via Network Address Translation.

Someone would first have to break through the router, and then the PC. Instead of just the PC.

Required, no.
Recommended, yes.

Internet speed is under 100 Mb/s.