I'll make a comment here about how to keep costs down. Newegg (maybe other vendors too?) regularly peppers me with "shellshocker" deals. One of these was an up-to-five computer license for $15. I bought it and ultimately neglected it, just used Microsoft's antivirus. But my kid goes to a lot of questionable gaming sites and I had issues (never fully determined) with one of the house's two desktops, which led to the hassle of doing an OS reinstallation on the computer he uses the most. So I figured I would try out the still-unused NOD32. The license was good! I'm good for the year. There are similar deals with other antivirus options. So next time I see one I'll probably buy it and throw it in a box and when ESET expires, just roll on to the next product. Probably one of the ones mentioned favorably here.
I don't know what to say about which product is best. I had a number of issues on my old XP machine pre-built with slow operation with various anti-virus solutions. Panda was awful. Norton was awful. ESET (NOD32) was wonderful, the computer sped right up.
These are ancient impressions dating from, I'd say, ten years or so ago. Maybe more. It's hard to shake them. At this point I use ESET because it is familiar and is reasonably aggressive about blocking potentially bad sites, which is what you want when you're desktop is in the hands of a game-hungry teenager. But I would be open to some of the other options in this thread, and I'll be keeping my eye open for "shell shocker" deals on Newegg. These deals are put out by the AV companies to get new people to try their product. But there doesn't appear to be any rule against buying them and doing a fresh install rather than a renewal.
Greg N