zthomas :
Never say never.. old line.. still holds truth.. I don't condon dark web searches.. anti gov.. will produce flags and attach trackers.. on the web and in real time.. These under the radar searches usually means you're shopping for something.. I myself has turned over a new leaf.. This can lead to paranoia.. with real demons lurking.. like the NSA or FBI taking a pointed interest..
I dont really go to the deep web to "buy" stuff or to do something anti-gov. actually I go there just to test things, like antivirus. I search the web for deep web websites full of malware, and than I go there. once got my machine killed with 5 minutes on a website hahahha. but well, I dont give a damn about my computer to be honest, this one is just for testing programs and virus samples for example, it's not my personal computer 😛 also, deep web is not exclusevely a kind of internet where all you find is creepy things, guys that sell people and so on, there is a good side of the deep web, like some forums where people that are paranoid with privacy just talk to eachother... actually there is a forum that I used to use there, a forum like this one, the only difference was that there nobody except you could track your things, like IP, locations, etc, was a forum just like a normal one found on google search's, just more private. not all is bad on the deep web. for example, those cracked programs a bunch of users use, well, those cracks are made by a hacker and than posted on the deepweb. some1 just had the trouble to go there and get the file and uploaded it to a "known" website that google can actually find xd.
This all makes for interesting reading.. for those on the fringes to those deciding on which direction to take on the web.. would make a good book on this subjects.. Unfortunately the web is no longer the wild west it once was.. tracking has become easier for those that wish in keeping the web semi safe.. from wacko's in the middle east and beyond.