Do you use : No Antivirus , FREE Antivirus , or PAID Antivirus and why?

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This all makes for interesting reading.. for those on the fringes to those deciding on which direction to take on the web.. would make a good book on this subjects.. Unfortunately the web is no longer the wild west it once was.. tracking has become easier for those that wish in keeping the web semi safe.. from wacko's in the middle east and beyond.

I agree.. lots of dumb people doing stupid stuff.. is for sure..


Yeah but I'm not going to pay for AV. I know how well my computer is running just by looking at Task Manager daily and seeing the programs running, and seeing CPU usage nicely at 3% idle. If I do get a virus, I clean install the OS, or just boot to Linux, access my HDD from there, and delete the files containing the malicious code.
yeah, true. it is not the wild west anymore. but even being semi-safe, always safer than normal internet. evoen I, with no IT knowledge am able to ddos someone LOL, imagine a real hacker... maybe someone is even watching all I do on my PC at this exact moment, while writing this, and I dont even know LOL....

3% idle is nothing, having AV or not or CPU will always be low... I use AV, firewall and a lot of programs that are currently booting with the system. my resource usage at this moment is: 10% CPU (which is barely perceptible. also I have my browser opened. if I close it CPU would drop to 2%) and 40% RAM used (again, browser running. Idle I would have like 20-25% used). these values are pretty low actually, almost unperceptible to be honest

as the moderator said: windows defender is not approved for several years... having no certification is really bad, is even worst than bad. when a AV has no certification that means it is more likely to just say to a virus: "hello! make yourself at home!"....

and, there are no stupid stuff... you can get viruses by just clicking a website you should not... it's like when you hear someone talking:
hey! I got a new software yesterday to watch full HD movies online, pretty good. it's called bananaHD.
than, you go home, you click and bam... congratulations, you got a virus stored on the cache or temp files....

360 is a combination of several engines: Avira, Bitdefender and it's own engines. why would I, in my personal opinion, trade a 5 in 1 antivirus for comodo? and, 360 has an inbuilt Ccleaner like feature... totally free, no advertisements on screen, no advertisements on the program, ships with a sandbox and the support is always there for you, can take a little bit to answer, but they answer and don't ignore: once I made a question that was mistranslated, making it have no sense. instead of ignoring, 360 support sent me an email back saying to reformulate my question. let's agree, what company does that?

so, what could you wish more for free?? besides, I think comodo will not be so lighter as 360: 35MB ram is what 360 consumes when idle... it is no accident that 360 is becoming more and more popular each day

I wouldn't go to BananaHD on my Windows machine, I'd go to it on my Linux machine, so no, I wouldn't get a virus.

Linux can actually get virus. if you click HERE, it will open a thread on with information about the subject. Linux is NOT imune to virus, it's just hard to install or get infected with malware. I've used linux and I intend to use it once more and what I realised on what keeps linux safe (at least on ubuntu) was the central it uses to download programs. if I am not wrong, all the programs on the central are virus-free and are known to be safe. BUT, as the link back there said, you can get virus in several ways, but, installing programs is not one of them, since on the central everything is safe. for instance, email attachments, malicious URL's, etc yes, can get you infected.
viruses are really simple to make, I made one myself that made my HDD useless with only 20 words of batch code, 20 words... imagine a trojan with 100, 500, perhaps 1 million words...

so, in conclusion, if you enter, you will get infected, using Linux, windows, mac, android, chromebook, remix OS or a OS made from NASA... you will get infected, maybe your antivirus will detect it, but while your antivirus scans the archive, you are infected...

Yeah movie sites.. not only run ad blocking and anti tracking browser software.. and subscription virus software.. Freeware is buggy.. haven't you figured this out yet? If you can't afford to put a little cash for good protection.. Your computer is a fairly large investment.. dominates a big chunk of our time.. then to be suddenly broke down.. sometimes for weeks.. I have gone through all of this.. I like my Norton management.. runs quietly in the background, hardly ever requires my involvement. which I love..

My computer would not be broken down for weeks. If something happened, I'd wipe my OS and fresh install it and call it a day.
Few month ago i am also use free version antivirus and always facing a problem, free version antivirus not protect my laptop form virus 100%. But my friend suggest Norton antivirus paid version and i purchase Norton antivirus few days ago, this antivirus is really doing good work and protect my laptop and at this time not slow my laptop.
I use Avast free version and I am happy with Avast ,It is really good. It can also scan at boot time, before Windows (and any Windows-based malware) loads. And Now my friend suggest me to go online services for viruses. So Now I am thinking to search online services to solve my virus related issues.
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