Solved! Does anyone have advice on how to connect a 15 year old Sony Home Theater with New Samsung QLED TV?

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Feb 15, 2019
I have a Sony DAV-DX155/DX255/DX315 home theater system. I just purchased a Samsung 55" 4KUHD QLED LCD TV. The home theater system is at least 15 years old and only has RCA cables for hook up to audio. We are due to receive the TV tomorrow but as I understand it it only has HDMI and optical audio connections. We'd like to use our current home theater system but people on the Samsung blog have not had much luck with a converter (digital to analog). Any suggestions?
You could use an HDMI ARC audio extractor instead of an optical to analog converter but it won't sound any better.
Don't know why there would be a problem with the optical output unless the TV won't allow you to set the output to PCM stereo which most but not all converters require to work. There are DACs that accept bitsteam 5.1 input.
Check the TV manual on how to use the optical or ARC audio outputs.
You could use an HDMI ARC audio extractor instead of an optical to analog converter but it won't sound any better.
Don't know why there would be a problem with the optical output unless the TV won't allow you to set the output to PCM stereo which most but not all converters require to work. There are DACs that accept bitsteam 5.1 input.
Check the TV manual on how to use the optical or ARC audio outputs.
Since the TV is designed for the audio out to ONLY be connected digitally, you'd be much happier with a receiver (new or used) that has digital audio inputs and decent amps - and something that's not rated at 10 percent distortion! For surround.


If 2 channels will do - Active speakers with optical audio input. Direct connection, built-in amps, remote control, these to start with:

Shop around, read the reviews, enjoy!
You could use an HDMI ARC audio extractor instead of an optical to analog converter but it won't sound any better.
Don't know why there would be a problem with the optical output unless the TV won't allow you to set the output to PCM stereo which most but not all converters require to work. There are DACs that accept bitsteam 5.1 input.
Check the TV manual on how to use the optical or ARC audio outputs.
Thanks for your reply! Getting T.V. set up on Monday and will try to figure out next week.
Since the TV is designed for the audio out to ONLY be connected digitally, you'd be much happier with a receiver (new or used) that has digital audio inputs and decent amps - and something that's not rated at 10 percent distortion! For surround.


If 2 channels will do - Active speakers with optical audio input. Direct connection, built-in amps, remote control, these to start with:

Shop around, read the reviews, enjoy!
Thanks for your suggestions/link. We plan to set up T.V. and shop around/read reviews to try and determine best sound for our room, etc. The SONY system was in the home when we bought it 10 years ago and I am inclined to agree with you that we'd be happier with digital input. :)
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