Does Apple-HBO Deal Dis Roku, Google, Others?

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I doubt Apple will bend over to allow other companies to benefit from their technology or products. People already pay a premium for Apple products(and will continue to do so).
Keep in mind while you can't stream it from your Android phone/tablet you can still stream it from your laptop to your Chromecast through the Chrome browser. At least it's something.
I wish the period was a little bit longer, because it would be nice to see how the "it just works" stories are in regards to folks signing up for HBO NOW with Apple TV versus Roko, Fire TV, Chromachamelon, etc
Does anyone else think $180 a year is too much? Five seasons passes in HD or seven in SD. Does HBO really have that much to offer a cord cutter?

I think so. There are so many award winning documentaries and HBO produced movies that can't be had anywhere else. I'm my opinion.
"At launch, HBO NOW will be available on iOS devices and on PCs." says Time Warner. For $15 though, I'll continue to torrent. That's just too high for someone who will only watch Game of Thrones.
What kind of sucker would pay $15 a month just for HBO?? Oh, wait a minute, iFans. They'll overpay for anything.

Anyone who doesn't watch regular cable enough to justify the high price you pay for it. Or like my fiance and myself. Between the two of us, we probably watch about 12 different series. Plenty of movies, documentaries, stand-up comedy (I don't really watch too much of it, but there are some classics on there), and you can watch every episode of a ton of fantastic HBO shows that no longer air (Sopranos, the Wire, Six Feet Under, etc.).

Maybe I'm just excited because we have been paying $19/mth for HBO through our cable provider, and were very much looking forward to this because HBO is like, 90% of our cable-watching. I wouldn't consider myself an "ifan", but I did get an Apple TV for Christmas last year, and it's pretty awesome, so that actually works out quite well.
I have HBO for free for 2 years from Comcast and there is no way I would pay more than $5 a month to stream HBO. They have crap content and their movie selection is terrible.

I've watched them maybe 5 times in the last 3 months. Only idiots will pay $15 a month. It costs $15 a month from a cable provider which costs HBO money so they think it's ok to charge the same with no overhead?
Exclusivity is a common commodity on the consumer market, so I'm not sure how this merits an entire news story.

The iPhone was originally only available through AT&T. Apple knew everyone wanted the iPhone, and shopped carriers to see who could give them the best deal, probably offering exclusivity as a selling point. iCloud was limited to Mac users until recently, many smart watches are Android only, and the list goes on.

The same applies here. Apple offer HBO the best deal, and as a result, was awarded a period of exclusive rights to the app and service, which will give AppleTV a sales boost.

Exclusivity will last about 3 months, and then it will be available on other devices. Roku is only whining because they didn't make a better offer and lost out on the exclusive rights.
Roku is the best streaming player period. Apple & Google only wants to control the streaming devices and own the "marketplace". Roku actually CARES about it's customers and allows them to make ANY APP for the device. That is why such an unknown company is a strong #2. If it wasn't for Apple's name and the dumb customer loyalty that goes with it they would NOT be number #1. And I promise you Roku users actually USE their service more then AplenTV users.
What kind of sucker would pay $15 a month just for HBO?? Oh, wait a minute, iFans. They'll overpay for anything.
HBO is the only thing I watch beside ESPN because I hate commercials. $15/mo worth the price since it's already around the same price thru DTV or Dish. With SlingTV and HBO Now for $35/mo. I completely cut the damn cord. Yup.

Anyone who doesn't watch regular cable enough to justify the high price you pay for it. Or like my fiance and myself. Between the two of us, we probably watch about 12 different series. Plenty of movies, documentaries, stand-up comedy (I don't really watch too much of it, but there are some classics on there), and you can watch every episode of a ton of fantastic HBO shows that no longer air (Sopranos, the Wire, Six Feet Under, etc.).

Maybe I'm just excited because we have been paying $19/mth for HBO through our cable provider, and were very much looking forward to this because HBO is like, 90% of our cable-watching. I wouldn't consider myself an "ifan", but I did get an Apple TV for Christmas last year, and it's pretty awesome, so that actually works out quite well.
SlingTV = $20, HBO = $15, Local Channels = Free. $35/mo to get rid cable and satellite TV is great. If you want more recorded shows, add $7.95/mo Hulu+ to meet all your needs.
Apple obviously needs to cultivate a new flock of sheep to buy into their overpriced line of hand-holding hardware. Hopefully Comcast will throttle the hell out the HBO Now streams to the point that boo hooing fanboys will line up at the Apple Store for tissues.
Apple obviously needs to cultivate a new flock of sheep to buy into their overpriced line of hand-holding hardware. Hopefully Comcast will throttle the hell out the HBO Now streams to the point that boo hooing fanboys will
Apple TV is the best streaming device in my opinion. I don't have cable but Apple TV keeps me entertained :) Btw, I found this infographic helpful to recap the most important things from the Apple's Event
1st of all, I'm not a big Apple fan. If you are, well, That's just dandy. I "cut the cord" because I was getting sick of the programming that I was paying for with cable TV. Being forced into packages that didn't get a lot of viewing time from me or my wife. I guess we're all sheep or have that herd mentality at one point or another.

My cable bill was over 200 bucks a month with HBO included and we also were/are Netflix and Amazon Prime subscribers. I bought a TIVO over the air Roamio and went all in with the lifetime subscription for around 500 bucks. The 1st month was a little over the top budget wize but after several months with the midrange (55 Mbs) cable internet at around 60 bucks I think I'm well on my way to savings. Phone sign ups are 2 years and that time flies by.

The TIVO streams what we want for the most part Netflix, Amazon, Hulu) and it's pretty darn convenient. We get tons of all the ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX recorded with a great interface menu system to get around in. My wife was the biggest fear I had regarding any complaints about not being able to watch enough content easily. Turns out this thing is stupid simple and "it just works". At least for us.

It was a longshot for us to believe that TIVO would be up and running with the HBO Now but, I had hope. I have a Google stick with the HBO Go although we didn't actually need it for that because we had cable TV at the time when I purchased it and You can just watch the on demand from the cable box. But I like to tinker and it was 30 bucks. It works good for me. We also have a Sony Blu-Ray player, I think it's like a Roku.

My wife loves Game of Thrones and I hope West World is good. 69 bucks for another appliance (an Apple one) and 15 bucks for 3 months. I'm thinking about it and maybe that's the point. Before all this I didn't even know Apple TV was working? Now if I want to watch Game of Thrones as it shows, I have to put one into my entertainment center. Maybe I'll do it. Hell I think that last bottle of Vodka was at least that much with taxes. I'm pretty sure that I'll be giving away that Apple TV appliance in August though.
So, people still care about HBO then? Hmmm, nobody I know gets it, has gotten it, or is interested. Is it really worth tying yourself down to Apple's closed ecosystem to skip 3 months of waiting for whatever violent frivolity they've come out with most recently?

I don't think this is going to do much for Apple, honestly.
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