DOS drivers for old SCSI card

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Apr 24, 2002
I am looking to complete the building of a Linux box from accumulated parts. Part of my setup is an old Plextor SCSI CD drive (4/2/20) hooked to a Vesa Local Bus Adaptec AHA 2842A SCSI card.

I am ready to install Linux, but have received NO HELP from either Plextor support (told me to talk to Adaptec) or Adaptec in setting up these peripherals in DOS. The Adaptec web site had every driver under the sun for their card except the old DOS drivers. To talk to support "live" to get an answer about this issue would cost me $65. I'm not going there. They don't even have this card's serial number in their database any longer. Without a TSID at Adaptec, you talk to nobody.

SO, I appeal to the Community for help in this. Where do I get the drivers to set up this card and the CD drive in DOS?

Much obliged!

The first download on this site maybe ???????

For it is not what is seen, but what is not seen. 😱
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