SeraphxWings :
SeraphxWings :
I'm looking to buy my wife and dslr camera so she can stop using her aunts, but I need to know can you put a manual focus lens on any camera. I'm trying to stay low cost in case she gets tired of photography but she is picky and has to have manual.
Almost all DSLR lenses have a manual focus option.
Which cameras were you considering, and in what budget?
I'll be honest I have no clue about anything camera related and I was looking about 250$ max she showed me 4 different brands a couple months ago that she liked; nikon, Canon, Fujitsu(?), and olympus.
At $250, you are NOT looking at a real DSLR + lenses.
That would be a point and shoot, or possibly a bridge camera.
Some of the current 'bridge' cameras do have manual focus.
But as stated above, don't have that as a line in the sand. The current autofocus is very, very good in almost all realms and conditions.
I have 2 Fuji's.
HS10 bridge camera (with manual focus)
X-T1 mirrorless. Interchangeable lenses, but much more expensive. reiterate...$250 does not get you into DSLR (with interchangeable lens) territory, unless you find an old used one.