DVArchive Question



Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

How in God's name do I "open a DVR" (my Reply 5040) in DVArchive ?? I know
the IP address but is there a port number that the Replay responds on ? 80
is there in the Open Dialog by default but does that work ? I don't recall
anyplace that I configured a port # on the Replay when I connected it to
Ethernet ?

If I manage to get it open, is it going to populate a window with the
program guide ? Another window with my already recorded shows ?

Thanks ....
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

Liz wrote:

> How in God's name do I "open a DVR" (my Reply 5040) in DVArchive ?? I know
> the IP address but is there a port number that the Replay responds on ? 80
> is there in the Open Dialog by default but does that work ? I don't recall
> anyplace that I configured a port # on the Replay when I connected it to
> Ethernet ?
> If I manage to get it open, is it going to populate a window with the
> program guide ? Another window with my already recorded shows ?
> Thanks ....
80 is the default because port 80 is the std port used for browsing the
web. The replay is accessed using access to its web server interface. If
you connections are ok, putting in the ip address should access the
replay and display its replay guide in the left window. If it doesn't
show the chances are your ip setup is screwed up and you won't be able
to ping the replay either.
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

Liz wrote:
> How in God's name do I "open a DVR" (my Reply 5040) in DVArchive ?? I know
> the IP address but is there a port number that the Replay responds on ? 80
> is there in the Open Dialog by default but does that work ? I don't recall
> anyplace that I configured a port # on the Replay when I connected it to
> Ethernet ?
> If I manage to get it open, is it going to populate a window with the
> program guide ? Another window with my already recorded shows ?
> Thanks ....
Upon bootup DVarchive should, by default, seek out and open all existing
RTV's on your lan you need do nothign to "open" them

There are a number of tabs.. One is listings, these are stored on your
system but it uses the serial of one of your real RTV's to get them from
the rtv-home Anoter tab is DVR explorer, here is where you find the
shows on each and every RTV (or DVArchive program) on the net Check out
the other tabs too.

But you should not need to "open" a dvr unless you started DVArchive
with the "-nonetwork" switch
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

On Thu, 16 Dec 2004 02:57:08 GMT, "Liz" <liz@tiredofspam.com> wrote:

>How in God's name do I "open a DVR" (my Reply 5040) in DVArchive ?? I know
>the IP address but is there a port number that the Replay responds on ? 80
>is there in the Open Dialog by default but does that work ?

The Replays use port 80. This can not be changed.

> I don't recall
>anyplace that I configured a port # on the Replay when I connected it to
>Ethernet ?

It's hardcoded in the Replay software. There is no option to change

>If I manage to get it open, is it going to populate a window with the
>program guide ? Another window with my already recorded shows ?

In a few minutes. You may prefer to have the automated Replay
discovery active (and DVA will work better this way too). I finally
got it to work, after trying a lot of things. Your firewall must allow
use of the IP address This is NOT an internet address,
but is used locally for uPnP.

>Thanks ....

9 days until the winter solstice celebration

Mark Lloyd
has a Replay 5xxx

"It is a curious thing that every creed promises a
paradise which will be absolutely uninhabitable for
anyone of civilized taste." -- Evelyn Waugh