DVDs, Blu-Ray Discs to Get More Anti-Piracy Warnings

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FEAR US small useless people, OR ELSE (sorry we have to do this, the media companies gave up billions of dollars form you buying their crap already, so we just have to pretend that wi will acutally do something, after all thats how the U.S. GOVT Works. Get paid to lie)
Funny how those who watch pirated videos NEVER EVER see those warnings... hmmmm.

Wait, about about the theft that Hollywood does to writers and others, stealing stories, not paying their taxes on their profits?! An example, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi has never reported a profit!

How? Hollywood setup a corporation for a specific movie... that movie must pay fees to the company that "supports" it. Therefore, a movie can be in the RED - even if it generates a billion in sales.

Hence, David Prowse (Darth Vader) never made much money off Star Wars - died broke, while Lucas rakes in billions for all this movies.
[citation][nom]belardo[/nom]Funny how those who watch pirated videos NEVER EVER see those warnings... hmmmm.Wait, about about the theft that Hollywood does to writers and others, stealing stories, not paying their taxes on their profits?! An example, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi has never reported a profit!How? Hollywood setup a corporation for a specific movie... that movie must pay fees to the company that "supports" it. Therefore, a movie can be in the RED - even if it generates a billion in sales.Hence, David Prowse (Darth Vader) never made much money off Star Wars - died broke, while Lucas rakes in billions for all this movies.[/citation]Intel never pays State taxes here in Cali either lol Guess whos writing tax law lol
Whats funny is the Feds have been probably working on this "new message" for months now lol I wonder what the total man hours and salaries were for the development of this.
[citation][nom]jindicator[/nom]My question is, why can't the DVD or Blu-Ray players keep track of this and show the warning say every 10th time a video is played? [/citation]
:sarcasm: Because warnings like this stop the real pirates dead in their tracks through instant paranoia and rampant fear.


More proof our trusted government employees engage in almost nothing of real benefit.
An example of a movie idea stolen from someone in the movie business:
Repo! The Genetic Opera (by the creator/director of the SAW series) was ripped off by the movie studio who paid him for SAWs. About 2 years later, REPO MEN comes out... Also, Repo! was a play that ran for years too.
[citation][nom]belardo[/nom]An example of a movie idea stolen from someone in the movie business: Repo! The Genetic Opera (by the creator/director of the SAW series) was ripped off by the movie studio who paid him for SAWs. About 2 years later, REPO MEN comes out... Also, Repo! was a play that ran for years too.[/citation]
ST: Deep Space Nine after J. Michael Straczynski pitched Babylon 5 to Paramount - then, of course, the far superior, IMHO, Babylon 5 came out.
Yes, adding more delays and warnings are going to increase the likelyhood of me buying a disc.
It is amazing to me how much money they can make despite the fact that they are clearly not to bright !
Excuse my ignorance on this subject and I hope someone here can make a bit of clarity on the subject. But I would assume pirates would just remove this warning when making pirated DVDs and Blu-rays. So would this not just be pounding anti-piracy into the already legitimate consumer?
[citation][nom]icepick314[/nom]ever heard of "Locks only keep innocent people out"?what good are those warnings if the consumer bought the media legitimately?all they're doing is pissing of the adults and kids who want to watch the movie but have to wait additional 5 minutes ON TOP of 15 minutes of previous warnings, trailers, and commercials...[/citation]

Hit the nail on the head there. I personally haven't bought a DVD in YEARS because I got seriously tired of being annoyed by the piracy warnings on the DVD's, which just waste my time and energy.
Another nail in the physical media coffin. If anyone thinks this will actually benefit the industry, they are completely out of touch with reality.
I wonder if those anti-piracy messages have had any of the intended impact on anyone...ever. I'm thinking all they have done is annoy people.

"Oh...I was going to pirate this movie, but because of this nonsense I must wait through or read I've changed my mind. I'm giving up pirating movies."

I wonder if that has ever happened...even once. Ever?
[citation][nom]NuclearShadow[/nom]Excuse my ignorance on this subject and I hope someone here can make a bit of clarity on the subject. But I would assume pirates would just remove this warning when making pirated DVDs and Blu-rays. So would this not just be pounding anti-piracy into the already legitimate consumer?[/citation]
Exactly. That is why most of us are commenting. This does nothing to stop pirates, and really only hammers people who buy and use content legally.

Even so, I cannot see pirates removing the warning as that takes time and effort. I highly doubt that they would care if this warning is in their product or not. What I think that they care about is how much they can make from selling pirated disks.
I'm surprised no one mentioned the outrageous salaries paid to actors/actresses. Paying Tom Cruise a penny: that's a crime.
[citation][nom]wiyosaya[/nom]Exactly. That is why most of us are commenting. This does nothing to stop pirates, and really only hammers people who buy and use content legally.Even so, I cannot see pirates removing the warning as that takes time and effort. I highly doubt that they would care if this warning is in their product or not. What I think that they care about is how much they can make from selling pirated disks.[/citation]

They do remove the warning labels. The people ripping these discs DO care about the quality of the overall user experience, because the point of what they do is not to make money (as most people in this "industry" make nothing, apart from the obvious few) but to post up a big middle finger to copyright whores. It's what people do, cause you know what? Fuck the sociopaths that run corporations and treat humans like equity.

The pirates are people treating each other like people. Sharing information because... why not? If it benefits the greater good in some little way, the Bureaucrats and they're little laws that only help them be damned.

And that's why pirating is so prolific. People want to be treated like humans, and the MPAA and RIAA are moving in the opposite direction.

What's most amusing is that there are productive discussions like this everywhere, and no one but the little guys seem to notice.

And the little guys that did notice, and did do something, are ripping the DVDs for us... or they invented a better distribution system... ie Netflix, Hulu, Youtube, etc etc etc (where, you may have noticed, they also don't show piracy warning labels...)
I don't believe in pirating movies, at all, not even a little tiny bit...at all...zilch...none. However, if I was the sort that did, those little messages that I have to wait through would have less than zero impact on my decision to pirate or not to.

I understand the need to make sure folks know that its a crime and the penalties...its just annoying and I can't see how anyone could believe adding to those messages is going to have the impact they intend. It just baffles me. What will they come up with next...a anti-piratng news-ticker that scrolls along the bottom of my screen to help educate me?
[citation][nom]wiyosaya[/nom]ST: Deep Space Nine after J. Michael Straczynski pitched Babylon 5 to Paramount - then, of course, the far superior, IMHO, Babylon 5 came out.[/citation]

There stories are rarely heard, but yeah I remember that. Hmmm.. a station next to a wormhole... epic battles from unknown aliens. I have B5 on DVD... I have nothing of DS9.
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