DVDs, Blu-Ray Discs to Get More Anti-Piracy Warnings

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As many others are saying, this seems very counterproductive. The only reason i have to buy media legally as opposed to pirating is convenience; that's why i use netflix and steam - they make it easier to stream movies/install games without worrying about cracks, relatively slow download speeds, hard drive space, etc. But when you take the convenience away with things like this, there really is little reason not to pirate. Our government has just been terrible since the the millennium turned. It's really sad.
[citation][nom]greenrider02[/nom]Fuck the sociopaths that run corporations and treat humans like equity.The pirates are people treating each other like people. Sharing information because... why not? If it benefits the greater good in some little way,[/citation]
I give you points against the suits who think that corporations are "people" (they are not).

But no, pirating movies is still theft. They are not doing it for "the people" for some noble reason. They are just adding to the POT to share with others.

The idea is a bit stupid. Some of these people have $1000~$2000 TVs, but just can't afford to buy a $5 DVD or $15 BluRay? For $20 I picked up TRON BR/DVD combo pack. Its not expensive.

Agreed its a sham on the PSA "When you pirate you hurt me" - says the grip or lighting guy from XYZ movie. But no, it doesn't much. The billionaire movie producer gets a bit less money. We can be sure that if piracy was cut by 50% that those grips and other thousand workers who are used to make a movie DO NOT GET A CENT!

Its kind of like wallstreet/oil companies talking about values while they pollute our planet, which our children need, steal our money, etc
Just recently watched all 5 series of B3. I am currently watching Crusade the follow up series. I am surprised it was not successful as Galen was a brilliant character played to perfection by Edward Woodward.
[citation][nom]RADIO_ACTIVE[/nom]Intel never pays State taxes here in Cali either lol Guess whos writing tax law lol[/citation]
well... the cases like those, they dont make them pay tax because of the huge benefit they have, and if they decided to make them pay tax, in all likely hood they would leave state for a cheaper place to be.
Haha, all this will do is make it more likely for me to pirate a movie.

Fuck having to sit through even more bullshit just to watch a movie...
I think the point of FORCING you these warnings is to have it in a way that they can assert you KNEW you were doing a crime, so they can punish you harder (and earn more $$$)... :-/
I'm not sure why a lot of people are complaining and saying that it's affecting only the law-

abiding citizens who buy legit copies.

I would say that those warnings are there to educate and remind the public about how piracy can

seem so harmless but actually affects the industry by removing incentive to spend (or even earn

up or set aside cash) for the movies.

I understand though how those could be annoying since they keep you from movie time. Maybe they

should have a way to skip it for those who are well learned of the "rules" already. But sometimes, just sometimes, piraters can't be helped along with other low life scum. We have to sometimes think how desperate the industry can get especially since it's so plagues with this problem. I wouldn't be too happy if I were in their shoes.

It's not really so necessary to read the rest of my comment if you're absolutely against piracy already, but for the others I implore you to.

Some say that it's 'coz people can't afford them. Well that's BS! People can't afford a lot of

$#!+ but what makes movies any different? Just 'coz you can get away getting movies off the

Internet for free illegally?! BS!!! If you're complaining about high prices for luxuries then steer clear of them, just like any other $#!+ that msot would consider rediculously expensive (cars, watches, jewellry, wines, etc.)

For some of you who still have decency of not condoning stealing at all but feel that piracy

isn't stealing (a "victimless crime" as they say), here's an analogy. Read well.

Let's say there's an orange farmer who got his seasonal load of produce. Let's say 10,000

oranges. Now he's obviously gonna sell that and no matter how hard his family tries, they can't

eat all of those before they go bad. So let's say you come in and take some, let's say 50, of

those oranges. That's stealing right? Well, you can rationalize it using the fact that he and

his family are not gonna be able to finish it all right? But wait, wasn't he gonna sell them and

make some money from each and every orange he could sell? Since you took 50 oranges, he's now

lacking 50 oranges less in profits. You could actually say that you stole 50 oranges worth of

money from him. I know that he might not be able to sell all those 10,000 oranges in the first

place in case you want to use that as a reason to justify yourself, but bear with me for the

example's sake.

Now how does this work in with piracy (in case you haven't gotten it yet, and it's nothing to be

ashamed of, it happens a lot to me, yes, I'm not that smart, hehehe...). The farmer is analogous

to the movie company, the oranges to the movie (sorry for pointing out the obvious). People

rationalize piracy as not stealing from anyone since you're not tangibly taking something from

someone. Well, the point there is not affecting the other party in a negative way, and that's

the situation with taking oranges from the farmer that he wouldn't have consumed. But didn't we

show how that's stealing? There's a little difference with the movie maker's case though. Instead of not being able to sell those movie copies 'coz you "stole" them from him (which I doubt you can do since he'll most probably always have a copy), he'll have trouble selling copies to people who really want to see the movie 'coz they already have an illegal, non-paid for copy! Why would someone need buy something that they already have? (They could do this if they feel guilty or were planning to buy it later on to compensate in a way, which is commendable, but still not right since you should only enjoy what you've (or someone else as a gift to you) earned for.)

Same concept applies for any other piece of software, books, etc.

I hope at least one person read this through or had his point of view changed on this topic or even just woke up that voice inside your that tells you something's wrong (yes, your conscience).

I bet I'll get a large number of dislikes (which would only be indicated as a red "-20" but hey, it wouldn't be a waste of time if someone read it. Thanks for doing so BTW whoever you may be.
I am not an American BUT , it seems to me that this crap should be struck down on Constitutional grounds if not for actually violating the letter of the law, but the spirit of presumed innocence, this is like telling the whole nation " We know you are thieves, we just can't prove it.." And all this coming from an industry that absolutely relies on copying...LOL...:)
"Digital theft"? Someone stealing DVDs and Blu-ray discs?

Because file sharing and illegal downloads are COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT, not theft. Will they never learn?!
A few of my friends who pirate movies, started doing it because the movies they purchased had unskipable warnings and ads.

Making the paid copy worst than the pirate copy is not a good way to end piracy, if anything it is making more people discover piracy when they search for solutions to the crap that you cant skip.

Well, instead of being bullied and harrased by those dumb things, might as well pirate it and actually enjoy the god damn movie.
These annoying - yet futile warnings are created by clueless and greedy management, these people are out of touch with reality. Working for a 140,000 pple corporation I have a first row view of Corporate stupidity that drags the world down.

*** Vote with your wallet and do not buy this crap. ***

Otherwise, there is little that honest citizen can do as "one man can't reverse a river".
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