Easy Photo Print Upgrades/Alternatives



Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital.slr-systems (More info?)

I am just learning baout a new 20D. AS remarked on elsewhere, most/all
shots require a tweak to bring up the brightness.

No problem with Photoshop but time consuming.

The simple "Easy Photo Print" software could be much faster with batch jobs
IF it had an overall brightness/exposure or gamma correction feature. But
it doesn't.

And Easy Photo Print does setup multiples images nicely fro the printer.

Does anyone have a reccomendation for a simple, batch program that would add
brightness/ exposure or gamma correction features to a simple program
similar to "Easy Photo Print?

Thank you.
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Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital.slr-systems (More info?)

This probably isn't the answer but I find that running a folder of slightly
underexposed 20D shots through the batch process of IrfanView [with the
advanced properties tweaked] works pretty well.

I wish Easy Photo had such a feature.

Even Photoshop Elements seems to limits the batch processing to "autofix"
without customized settings. AKAIK.

Any coments?

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Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital.slr-systems (More info?)

John Keiser wrote:

> This probably isn't the answer but I find that running a folder of slightly
> underexposed 20D shots through the batch process of IrfanView [with the
> advanced properties tweaked] works pretty well.
> I wish Easy Photo had such a feature.
> Even Photoshop Elements seems to limits the batch processing to "autofix"
> without customized settings. AKAIK.
> Any coments?

Yes, for quickly crunching a big set down to web or email size &
applying a standard fix, Irfan is great and super fast.

Type B for batch > Advanced options...
Save Settings/Load Settings is a handy way to save a group of settings,
gamma contrast, sharpening, re-size, etc.

I wouldn't use it for full size images though. For shooting jpeg, just
increase the contrast settings (not sure what the 20D has exactly in
that regard), for shooting RAW in ACR change the default brightness etc
so most pics come up corrected as "camera default".

Paul Furman
san francisco native plants