Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital.slr-systems (More info?)
I am just learning baout a new 20D. AS remarked on elsewhere, most/all
shots require a tweak to bring up the brightness.
No problem with Photoshop but time consuming.
The simple "Easy Photo Print" software could be much faster with batch jobs
IF it had an overall brightness/exposure or gamma correction feature. But
it doesn't.
And Easy Photo Print does setup multiples images nicely fro the printer.
Does anyone have a reccomendation for a simple, batch program that would add
brightness/ exposure or gamma correction features to a simple program
similar to "Easy Photo Print?
Thank you.
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I am just learning baout a new 20D. AS remarked on elsewhere, most/all
shots require a tweak to bring up the brightness.
No problem with Photoshop but time consuming.
The simple "Easy Photo Print" software could be much faster with batch jobs
IF it had an overall brightness/exposure or gamma correction feature. But
it doesn't.
And Easy Photo Print does setup multiples images nicely fro the printer.
Does anyone have a reccomendation for a simple, batch program that would add
brightness/ exposure or gamma correction features to a simple program
similar to "Easy Photo Print?
Thank you.
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