
Sep 30, 2010
Ok so for about a week now is trying to get my Samsung HLS5087W to play at the same resolution and screen size in HDMI as it does in VGA. In VGA it plays full 1080p, and screen fits perfectly. Switch to HDMI and it can either play in 1080p with crazy amounts of overscan(both physical and software) or edit picture size and in the end distorting the picture.

What I have tried....

Powerstrip but doesnt seem to be able to read my driver. Therefore I can't make changes or save.

Inject a new DTD into the driver to allow it the capibility.

Every freaking setting in the Nvidia control panel... And if this helps any overscan and underscan in the options do nothing. Just real quick flash and the screen remains the same size.

Honestly running low on patients now and it's more a matter of pride then the money. I cold just get a longer vga cable but I just want to do get it to work. I mean if it works under VGA then it's cabable of working in HDMI. Sooo why can't I shrink the screen the same way it does under vga witha custom edid.

GTX-470 Running Windows 7 ultimate on I7 870 with Asus p7p55d-e Pro

TV is set 16:9 no zoom or others enabled.

Well there is a 2% physical overscan and another 3ish of software. I can update my software overscan through service menu. And I did read someone on how to make it stick. So with some work I could get rid of that I believe

Nvidia drivers, at least the new ones don't allow for percentage of overscan. I think the choice are default, overscan, underscan, and auto.

Thing that makes me the most mad is that I moved my computer to the TV just to hook up and get the resolution setting from the vga which outputs to the perfect size and 1x1 pixel.

I was able to export that and look through the EDID at all the settings. But for some reason I can not get a correct one to make it work. This is all done through phoenix EDID editor. And just comparing the timings to have them work for the HDMI setup. But no luck.

Also, and even more agrivating, is that media center can perfectly match screen size and settings for the player. Leaving it with no overscan problems and running like a dream.

Is there anyway to find out where that EDID information is? If I could copy that as a permanent EDID would that fix the issue?