Editing movies - Which one Macbook?


Feb 14, 2016
I need Macbook for start editing movies in iMovie. Previously I used a Windows hardware. I want a new operating system. My choice is OS X. I have question for you. iMovie need a lot of power like i7, 16gb ram and dedicated graphics card? I just starting with recording, editing and sharing on YT. I don't need a spectacular effects in my movies. This is not games recording! Maybe hardware like macbook pro 13 2012 without Retina is enough for me? I have 1000$ US. What model MBP(r) or Air is best for me?

Ps. My english is not great. I know x).

Thanks for help!
You don't have to have an i7 to edit video with iMovie but it's nice to have if you can afford it. 16GB of RAM should be plenty and unless it is a MacBook that supports more that is the maximum it will support (depending on the model and year). Read the specs carefully before purchasing. I have a late 2011 MacBook Pro and it has an i7 and a dedicated graphics card. If you are just doing basic editing then you don't need the most powerful MacBook you can find. However, editing on a 13" MacBook is possible though not ideal because of the limited screen size. If you can find a used one with a 15" screen in that price range then go for it instead of the 13" version.
You don't have to have an i7 to edit video with iMovie but it's nice to have if you can afford it. 16GB of RAM should be plenty and unless it is a MacBook that supports more that is the maximum it will support (depending on the model and year). Read the specs carefully before purchasing. I have a late 2011 MacBook Pro and it has an i7 and a dedicated graphics card. If you are just doing basic editing then you don't need the most powerful MacBook you can find. However, editing on a 13" MacBook is possible though not ideal because of the limited screen size. If you can find a used one with a 15" screen in that price range then go for it instead of the 13" version.
imovie runs very smoothly even on 2012 hardware. the exporting (last part of making movie) will take much longer on older 2012 models vs 2015/2016 models. if that doesnt bother you, no problem :)