rishi_17 :
Hi, i want to buy a dslr under $400.
i have a keen interest to learn photography so initially which one should i buy?
suggestions pls.
Hi - along the line of patrick's reply.
I think you need to stretch your budget beyond $400 somewhat
if you are going to buy new. However, if you decide to purch
used/refurb, $400 might get you a decent camera/lens.
Try the big camera stores (B&H, Adorama, etc) before going to
I suggest you avoid the standard kit zoom(usually 18-55mm f3.5-5.6)
if at all possible within your budget.
Try to upgrade the lens when you start out.
My daughter started with the std kit zoom, and now no longer uses it.
Also be aware, there are 2 types of image stabilization in use amongst
the camera brands. Both work well. You just need to be aware before you buy.
1st) The stabilization is built into the lens (Canon, Nikon use this method)
2nd) The stabilization is built into the camera body (Sony,Pentax use this method)