Error Code: 0xc000000f on Win8.1


Aug 19, 2015
Got an "unexpected error" after updating and restarting my Laptop and now I get a recovery screen as it wont boot.

I have a Lenovo Y50 Laptop with Windows 8.1, and Windows 8 was pre-installed

I'm going to go through the problem in a lot of detail because I have no experience with this sort of problem.

My laptop suddenly stopped working last night, starting with my internet connection having errors, and everything going slow, so I went to restart, except it said update and restart, which I did.
It installed the update and then went to a black screen saying "Repairing disk errors. This may take over an hour."
I left it alone for about 3 hours and returned to it shut down, and on starting it I got a new blue screen as follows:
Your PC needs to be repaired
An unexpected error occurred.
Error code: 0xc000000f
You'll need to use the recovery tools on your installation media.

Trying again or trying to access Startup Settings just reloads the same screen.
I can access BIOS though.

Windows 8 was pre-installed so I dont have any installation media. I dont have a clue on how to fix it.
Any help is appreciated.
There is a bit of an involved process but you can get installation media if you absolutely cannot get it anywhere else. You will need Hiren's BootCD in order to boot into MiniXP. Then you will need to use the software RWAnything to find your Win8 license key. Once you have your license key, you can download the Windows 8 ISO from Microsoft and install it to a USB or CD using Microsoft's official software.
There is a bit of an involved process but you can get installation media if you absolutely cannot get it anywhere else. You will need Hiren's BootCD in order to boot into MiniXP. Then you will need to use the software RWAnything to find your Win8 license key. Once you have your license key, you can download the Windows 8 ISO from Microsoft and install it to a USB or CD using Microsoft's official software.