I am looking for an adapter that I can plug into the ethernet port of my Windows 7 laptop and then connect a powered USB hub to it (because I am told that ethernet port does not provide power) followed by connecting USB devices to the hub. Are there any adapters that can make this happen?
If you are wondering why I want such a connection, it is because I want the cables to run from the back of the laptop and not from the sides where the USB ports are located. The ethernet jack is at the back. If there are no such adapters, I welcome solutions for conencting USB devices without running cables from the sides of the laptop. Thanks.
If you are wondering why I want such a connection, it is because I want the cables to run from the back of the laptop and not from the sides where the USB ports are located. The ethernet jack is at the back. If there are no such adapters, I welcome solutions for conencting USB devices without running cables from the sides of the laptop. Thanks.