Vlad Rose :
jimmysmitty :
If the Commission decides that Google has been similarly abusive regarding Android, it could force Google to make drastic changes in how the Android OS is installed and configured on handsets, just as, years ago, it forced Microsoft to limit the preinstallation of Internet Explorer on Windows PCs.
How is google's supposed "anti competitive" stance even related to the issue Microsoft had with IE integrated? With the Microsoft issue you had a piece of software so buried into the OS you couldn't rip it out without hosing the OS itself.
You can use Google search on any other device easily and and you can use a different search device on your Google device just as easily. Google is not trying to force one market with another market outside strictly the name alone. I guess it's illegal now for a company to have more than one product?
Go ahead and disable or uninstall Chrome from an Android phone. You can't. However, you can uninstall IE from Windows 7/8/8.1 and probably from 10 too. Yet in the EU Microsoft is
forced to offer other companies browsers upon first startup with the option to remove IE. Why shouldn't Google and Apple also have to do the same?
Android, when first starting up, should offer other browsers as a choice. If one company has to do it, then so should the others.
Personally though I think it is BS. I think that neither company should have to offer a competing product in their own product. It would be like forcing McDonalds to also offer a Whopper from Burger King as an alternative to the Big Mac. It is just stupid. The EU thinks they are protecting consumers but instead they are making choices for them instead of letting them make their own. Then again after thousands of years of monarchies deciding fates I guess they would be used to it.
I don't hate Android but I am moving away from it. I have found it isn't what it used to be and neither is Google. They sell as much as they can no matter how you feel.
You couldn't uninstall IE from the Windows 98 era since it was tied into the explorer shell; which is when the lawsuit happened. With chrome on my android phone, all I have to do is go to the play store and click 'uninstall'; no more Chrome. No version of Windows out there offers what web browser to use when first starting up and IE is installed by default.
Notice I stated the version of OS that could be done in. It is true that IE was integrated into WIndows 98 but then again it is Microsofts software and they were trying a new solution to the OS GUI. But hey I guess you can't do what you want with your product only what you are told to do.
That is from 2009 but it was in 2010 that they stopped offering IE8 in EU versions of 7. And to top it off there are the "N" editions which are stripped of media playing abilities (no WMP, WMC etc).
As for "uninstalling" Chrome, on my Droid Bionic, S4, S5 and S6 I can uninstall the updates but I cannot remove it. It is built into the base OS deployment and included on every Android based phone.
The funny thing is that like Android, you can use
any browser or media player that you want in Windows. They just have these in to have out of the box functionality. Again, I think it is stupid to require a company to promote their competition. The whole idea behind competition is that you offer a better service you get sales, they offer a better version they get sales, you offer a better service you get the sales back and so on and so forth.
My whole point is that you cannot state this for one company, Microsoft, and not for the others, Google/Apple. That is an unfair market.
You want even worse?
Again, I can't wait to buy a Burger King Whopper from McDonalds in the near future or go to a Apple store to pick up my Dell PC.
gopher1369 :
"Why is crapple exempt from all of this?"
"Try doing that with Apple! Why do they not go after them?? "
Because Apple do not have a monolopy, Google do. For example here in the UK Google have 95% market share of internet searches.
Their search engine has nothing to do with Android. That is vastly different. However, the French have a solution for that. See the above link.
Soon you wont be able to tell legit searches from crap and search engines that should die off (AOL and soooo many others) will thrive as you will click
their link giving them add click revenue.