BruceMyers48 Distinguished Jan 17, 2001 26 0 18,580 Jun 12, 2003 #1 Are there other spreadsheet programs other than Excel? Thanks Bruce Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?
Are there other spreadsheet programs other than Excel? Thanks Bruce Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?
alltaken Distinguished Jan 14, 2003 69 0 18,580 Jun 12, 2003 #2 yep there are heaps look on google for free spread sheet programs (if you want free suff like me) other than that the free on i use is called 603suite its free office suite with Word processing, Spreadsheeting, and other stuff. i can't vouch for it though as i havn't tried the Spread sheet thing on it. but it looks very similar to Excel Alltaken
yep there are heaps look on google for free spread sheet programs (if you want free suff like me) other than that the free on i use is called 603suite its free office suite with Word processing, Spreadsheeting, and other stuff. i can't vouch for it though as i havn't tried the Spread sheet thing on it. but it looks very similar to Excel Alltaken
camieabz Distinguished Jan 29, 2001 90 0 18,610 Jun 12, 2003 #3 There's Lotus 1-2-3 <b><font color=blue>~ <A HREF="http/" target="_new">System Specs</A> ~<font color=blue></b>
There's Lotus 1-2-3 <b><font color=blue>~ <A HREF="http/" target="_new">System Specs</A> ~<font color=blue></b>
O okwhen Distinguished Jun 11, 2003 4 0 18,510 Jun 14, 2003 #4 I use 602 office suite located @ You must register however it is free.
alltaken Distinguished Jan 14, 2003 69 0 18,580 Jun 14, 2003 #5 yeah whoops i did a misstype. ha ha ha i use 602suite not 603 suite ha ha ha sorry for the mixup Alltaken
yeah whoops i did a misstype. ha ha ha i use 602suite not 603 suite ha ha ha sorry for the mixup Alltaken