Faint Lines when printing with ZoomBrowser



Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital (More info?)

I'm attempting to use ZoomBrowser to print out digital photos from my
Canon PowerShot A95, using an inexpensive HP 4110 - not really photo
quality printer, but I've printed off pretty good pictures in the past.

No matter what I do, I get faint horizontal lines in the photos, about
every 3/8 inches. I've tried calibrating and cleaning the printer
heads, looking for options in ZoomBrowser, using plain and photo
quality paper, but the lines still print.

But if I print using Microsoft Photo Editor, the pictures come out
great with no lines.

I've seen a couple posts related to the same problem with ZoomBrowser,
but they haven't helped.

Any ideas on how th eliminate these lines using ZoomBrowser?


Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital (More info?)

<noonehere@mail.com> wrote in message
> I'm attempting to use ZoomBrowser to print out digital photos from my
> Canon PowerShot A95, using an inexpensive HP 4110 - not really photo
> quality printer, but I've printed off pretty good pictures in the past.
> No matter what I do, I get faint horizontal lines in the photos, about
> every 3/8 inches. I've tried calibrating and cleaning the printer
> heads, looking for options in ZoomBrowser, using plain and photo
> quality paper, but the lines still print.
> But if I print using Microsoft Photo Editor, the pictures come out
> great with no lines.
> I've seen a couple posts related to the same problem with ZoomBrowser,
> but they haven't helped.
> Any ideas on how th eliminate these lines using ZoomBrowser?
> Thanks,
> Mark

Could it be roller tracks? My HP9650 leaves tracks like crazy. Never HP
Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital (More info?)

The only thing is that it prints fine from Microsoft Photo Editor.
Although it does
appear to be printer related, as when I attempt to print with
ZoomBrowser, the lines are
always in the direction of the tracks, whether I print the picture
portrait or landscape.

What's odd is it only happens with ZoomBrowser.

Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital (More info?)

If you are using Zoombrowser v5 then select the photo-print-contact sheet
print- you will have no lines! If you are using an older version then go get
v5 from the canon website - its very good.

HTH - Double R

<noonehere@mail.com> wrote in message
> The only thing is that it prints fine from Microsoft Photo Editor.
> Although it does
> appear to be printer related, as when I attempt to print with
> ZoomBrowser, the lines are
> always in the direction of the tracks, whether I print the picture
> portrait or landscape.
> What's odd is it only happens with ZoomBrowser.
> Mark
Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital (More info?)

"Double R" <nospam@ntlworld.com> wrote in message
> If you are using Zoombrowser v5 then select the photo-print-contact sheet
> print- you will have no lines! If you are using an older version then go
> v5 from the canon website - its very good.
> HTH - Double R
> <noonehere@mail.com> wrote in message
> news:1113909325.545583.276260@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com...
> > The only thing is that it prints fine from Microsoft Photo Editor.
> > Although it does
> > appear to be printer related, as when I attempt to print with
> > ZoomBrowser, the lines are
> > always in the direction of the tracks, whether I print the picture
> > portrait or landscape.
> >
> > What's odd is it only happens with ZoomBrowser.
> >
> > Mark

What does it do differently? I've been trying to slow mine down so it does
roll over the wet ink, but even when I turn the dry time to max this POS
still leaves tracks. I'd also like to add that I'm using genuine HP ink and
PhotoPaper. First I thought it was my printer but I exchanged it and the
new one does the same thing. HP9650=POS is all i have to say.
Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital (More info?)

If you choose "layout print" from Zoombrowser then you will get horizontal
lines on the paper with "Contact sheet" this does not happen.
Double R

"Dirty Harry" <NOJUNK@FU.ca> wrote in message
> "Double R" <nospam@ntlworld.com> wrote in message
> news:nud9e.4206$c4.1247@newsfe3-win.ntli.net...
> > If you are using Zoombrowser v5 then select the photo-print-contact
> > print- you will have no lines! If you are using an older version then go
> get
> > v5 from the canon website - its very good.
> >
> > HTH - Double R
> >
> > <noonehere@mail.com> wrote in message
> > news:1113909325.545583.276260@f14g2000cwb.googlegroups.com...
> > > The only thing is that it prints fine from Microsoft Photo Editor.
> > > Although it does
> > > appear to be printer related, as when I attempt to print with
> > > ZoomBrowser, the lines are
> > > always in the direction of the tracks, whether I print the picture
> > > portrait or landscape.
> > >
> > > What's odd is it only happens with ZoomBrowser.
> > >
> > > Mark
> What does it do differently? I've been trying to slow mine down so it
> roll over the wet ink, but even when I turn the dry time to max this POS
> still leaves tracks. I'd also like to add that I'm using genuine HP ink
> PhotoPaper. First I thought it was my printer but I exchanged it and the
> new one does the same thing. HP9650=POS is all i have to say.
Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital (More info?)

Well, I tried downloading ZoomBrowser 5.0, and printed "Contact Sheet".

No difference, still the lines. It must be some combination of the HP
Printer and ZoomBrowser. I guess I'll look for a better application or

Thanks to all for you input.


Archived from groups: rec.photo.digital (More info?)

noonehere@mail.com wrote:
> Well, I tried downloading ZoomBrowser 5.0, and printed "Contact Sheet".
> No difference, still the lines. It must be some combination of the HP
> Printer and ZoomBrowser. I guess I'll look for a better application or
> printer.
> Thanks to all for you input.
> Regards,
> Mark

I'm new to this thread so I don't know exactly what your problem is, but
I had a severe streaking problem with my old DeskJet 682C printer.
Problem was that I had simply worn out the printer with years of fairly
high-volume printing, and it couldn't reposition the paper accurately
enough on each pass of the printhead/cartridge. These things happen
over time; I needed a new printer, so I bought another HP and the
problem disappeared.

Btw, if you do need a new printer and you're an intermediate-to-advanced
photographer who wants a new printer that does more than *just* print, I
can personally vouch for the HP PSC2610. No all-in-one unit is going to
do its various functions as well as really good separate units, but this
is one AIO that really is pretty good at photo printing and scanning.
The black ink cartridge can be replaced with a "photo ink" cartridge
(not included with the printer) that allows for six-color photo printing
up to 8x10; it might not be up there with the best Epsons, but it's a
good all-around performer that's more than adequate for most amateur
photographers. Multi-format card reader and PictBridge-compatible USB
port are mounted on the front of the unit, and it's smart enough to do
basic printing, scanning copying and faxing without requiring a
computer. YMMV, but I like mine.

Walter Luffman Medina, TN USA
Amateur curmudgeon, equal opportunity annoyer