Familiar Beats Innovative for Kickstarter Video Games

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This seems kinda like a no brainer to me. Yes, ideally, Kickstarter is used to help indie developers and designers create new, innovative things that they wouldn't otherwise be able to acquire money for from investors or publishers. I think it's just an unintended side effect that vested creators can come in and make something that is generally already established in the market, and it will succeed many times over. It's common sense that human beings are more receptive to things they are familiar with.

Which, IMO, is great for Kickstarter because it doesn't really harm the true indie projects and it brings in a larger crowd for possible funding. Mighty No. 9 was the first Kickstarter I ever backed, and I honestly never thought I would back anything, despite being interested by several projects in the past. But now, I believe I'd be more inclined to back projects in the future, just because I have now been exposed to the process and familiar with it.

As a side note, I believe the Kickstarter for M9 was open as early as last Friday, not September 1. I really hope Comcept is able to produce the great game that they envision. Inafune deserves this after having the balls to speak up against Capcom and us Mega Man fans would really appreciate a fresh, new installment, even if it is technically a new IP.
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