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Stacey wrote:
> Pat wrote:
>>Does anyone have a recommendation for a fast CF card? I see the Sandisk
>>Ultra II, but it is pricy and I don't want to make a mistake. I am using a
>>Canon A80.
> Find the max write speed specs for your camera. There is no point in buying
> a card faster than the camera can write.
My D70 rates at 5500 Kbps, that's half a MB/sec right? My 2GB microdrive
seems to take about 4 seconds for the green light to turn off with about
6MB of RAW plus jpeg. I can burst only three at that setting (dozens in
lesser jpeg modes). 6MB/4sec = 1.5MB/sec so I'm already pretty much
maxed out?
My Hitachi 2GB microdrive also takes about 20 minutes to download when
full. That's 1,200 seconds and 2,000 MB so about 1.6MB/sec. if I did
that right.
A $180 Sandisk 60x ultraII 2GB card for example runs at 9MB/sec, I
believe (maybe that was the 80x). If a normal USB reader could do
9MB/sec I could download 2GB in 3 minutes instead of 20 minutes, that
would be nice. I'm not at all sure my card reader is everything it could
be, it came with the camera and doesn't have any specs listed.
Can anyone clarify some of this?
Paul Furman
san francisco native plants