You want a leader who's smarter than you are, but many stupid fat Americans are intimidated by intelligence. They like stupid leaders, because they believe that they better represent their views. I do not see this email hack incident effecting McCain+Palin negatively at all, since the largest voting pools can relate to struggling with email. This may even help them.
*A bit off topic, I don't actually believe that Bush is stupid. He appears to be a dumbass, which helped him get elected (twice), but the man is an expert in using scare tactics to pacify the general public. Pull up any of his speeches, and count how many times he uses words like "terror" and "fear". A good president tries to inspire his countrymen during a time of war, but a tyrant uses fear mongering to pacify and control his countrymen instead. Bush may not have a huge vocabulary, and has screwed up simple words... but don't "misunderestimate" him. He probably is smarter than you are, Noob, or at least smarter than you think.
McCain appears to be senile, and generally less effective than Bush was (at fear mongering), however... I need to do some more research on what he's capable of... Palin seems equally incompetent, but she had to get her political power somehow... under her simpleton exterior lies a ruthless bitch (women don't excel in politics otherwise)... and it also good to remember that tech savvy is not equal to intelligence.
Before knocking Palin on email security matters, its also important to remember that Biden is in the FBI's pocket. You know, the guy that wants to make all encryption software illegal? The guy who set in motion the legislation that later lead to the patriot act. Frankly, I'd almost rather have someone who doesn't understand, and stays uninvolved.
But anyway, its good to remember that no one is working for you. They all have their individual agendas. Making a good educated choice in the election, will be mostly weighing the evils against each other and choosing one who's agenda best matches your own.