FBI Searches Student's Apartment in Connection to Palin Hack

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Master Exon

Jul 20, 2008
Why don't they just fixed the fucked up security question that anyone who knows a little about me can answer and call it a day? The person knew the answer to Sarah Palin's security question, so as far as I'm concerned, they legally had access to it.


May 31, 2008
If anything David Kernell did the dumb bitch a favor. Now someone more dangerous won't be able to get in, since the security hole was exposed. But, of course, the government won't leave the poor kid alone. The thick plottens.


May 31, 2004
I don't know which of you clowns to jump on. We have to assume that she intended to say that as a joke. You didn't piss on her you pissed on yourselves. :lol:


May 31, 2004
No one is that stupid. I hope that was politically correct.

If the clown was involved, then he should be burned.

Conspiracy to commit... equals long sentences, I like.


Sep 10, 2006
yeah zorg is right i mean maybe she wanted to sound more like a retard then she already does i mean thats possible right? I wish someone would piss on her :/ might put the flames out from the massive crash and burn thats going to happen in the next couple months. o and yes conspiracy to commit a password change ZOMG burn this basterd!

I still have yet to figure out why anyone cares about this nobody that coudldnt run a state with a population of a small town anywhere else. Why is everyone so up her ass? seriously whoc ares if she got her password changed in her yahoo account i mean how damn stupid do you have to be to use a friggin yahoo account for this stuff. I can see it now.

Year one in office terrorists gatehr intel from emails from some stupid bitch vise pres and blow up troops yada yada whatever. who cares. i guess if he was looking for a running mate that could make him look smarter then a rock he sure as hell struck gold eh?


May 31, 2004
Dude, please proof read you post before submitting. It hurts to read it.

Should she become VP I'm sure that she will be briefed on proper email usage.

By the way, maybe we should be more concerned about the rate that the governments servers are being attacked successfully.

It scares the hell out of me.


Moral of the story: when in doubt - wear more than one proxycondom.


Since Master Exon, your door on your house responds to a foot kicking down the latch the same as every other door, I legally enter your house. Since your car window responds to a hammer the same as every other car window, I have legal access to your stereo, your laptop and your cell phone and all the contacts on it, and all their doors and windows.
Morons like you ruled the courts for 20 years and made people afraid to defend their own homes and lives of their families. Fortunately, people with spines came back into control and stopped you relatavist nimrods from neutering us all. Stay on the saltpeter, we don't need you polluting the gene pool further.


Sep 18, 2008
This is such bs! For you defending the fbi and palen are you freaking stupid. It would be different if the fbi actually investigated other people who got hacked, but lets face it they could care less. Guess what their supposed to be working for US! Yet they do nothing with it comes to normal folks..

She used her account for goverment emails. That right there should DQ her from being VP. I want my president, and vp to be smarter then me. Is that so much to ask.


If you think Biden is any smarter, you haven't listened to any of the bs falling out of his hole either. The point of all this is she simply got caught doing something that hundreds of other politicians have been doing for years. It's all over the media because of the polarizing effect she's had on the election. So no matter what your political orientation, the fact remains she is the victim of a cyber crime, and potentially so is anyone in her address book because of the loss of privacy. The FBI investigates cyber crimes, and so they're involved. The blogger who got lucky and did his 30 minutes of research to get Yahoo! to reset her password even admitted that he/she didn't find anything special or incriminating, meaning she at least had the intelligence to not have soft copies of important communication in her account. But I do love reading all the slant, slander, biased bs that is not based on fact but speculation, and then the inevitable whinings of self-deluded morons who are themselves the only ones enlightened enough to be able to discern the truth. Thank God I don't have to think for myself and can merely let all of you do it for me, starting with Jane. Oh, and "the thick plottens" is not clever or original. It's just poor writing style.


May 31, 2008

You want a leader who's smarter than you are, but many stupid fat Americans are intimidated by intelligence. They like stupid leaders, because they believe that they better represent their views. I do not see this email hack incident effecting McCain+Palin negatively at all, since the largest voting pools can relate to struggling with email. This may even help them.

*A bit off topic, I don't actually believe that Bush is stupid. He appears to be a dumbass, which helped him get elected (twice), but the man is an expert in using scare tactics to pacify the general public. Pull up any of his speeches, and count how many times he uses words like "terror" and "fear". A good president tries to inspire his countrymen during a time of war, but a tyrant uses fear mongering to pacify and control his countrymen instead. Bush may not have a huge vocabulary, and has screwed up simple words... but don't "misunderestimate" him. He probably is smarter than you are, Noob, or at least smarter than you think.

McCain appears to be senile, and generally less effective than Bush was (at fear mongering), however... I need to do some more research on what he's capable of... Palin seems equally incompetent, but she had to get her political power somehow... under her simpleton exterior lies a ruthless bitch (women don't excel in politics otherwise)... and it also good to remember that tech savvy is not equal to intelligence.

Before knocking Palin on email security matters, its also important to remember that Biden is in the FBI's pocket. You know, the guy that wants to make all encryption software illegal? The guy who set in motion the legislation that later lead to the patriot act. Frankly, I'd almost rather have someone who doesn't understand, and stays uninvolved.

But anyway, its good to remember that no one is working for you. They all have their individual agendas. Making a good educated choice in the election, will be mostly weighing the evils against each other and choosing one who's agenda best matches your own.
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