Fidelio x2 sound muffled

Finnish person

Jul 26, 2015
Just received my pair of fidelio x2, and they sound really muffled it's like you were listening them trough a blanket.

I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced similiar problems, or has a fix for this.

I also don't have an amp/dac could this be the reason? The other pai of headphones I have are 20€ in ears which at the moment sound better than my x2's
Are your earpads glued to the cup? Since they switched Manufacturers from WOOX to Gibson quality control has gone down. You might have a bad pair.

edit: Also what are you plugging them into?
Are your earpads glued to the cup? Since they switched Manufacturers from WOOX to Gibson quality control has gone down. You might have a bad pair.

edit: Also what are you plugging them into?

Yes, the pads are clued to the cups and I have them directly plugged into my motherboard. I will probably return them and go with something like ad700x or hd598.
If anyone in the future has this problem try reinstalling your drivers, after I did this I got the headphones to work. You should also test your headphones with a different cable and on a different computer if possible.