Hi there guys it's my first time on this site .
I would like to ask for some help on a gaming PC
I saw this laptop on this web site http
and I thought if this laptop can run battlefield 3 on 45-50 fps and other games like assassin creed 3 on a good quality looking , batman origins , far cry 3 and other maybe 2-3 years down the road? . And do you think it's a good laptop for it's cost in dollars it's 1525 dollars I know it's costly
but everything in my country is pretty expensive. think you for your help
I would like to ask for some help on a gaming PC
I saw this laptop on this web site http

and I thought if this laptop can run battlefield 3 on 45-50 fps and other games like assassin creed 3 on a good quality looking , batman origins , far cry 3 and other maybe 2-3 years down the road? . And do you think it's a good laptop for it's cost in dollars it's 1525 dollars I know it's costly
but everything in my country is pretty expensive. think you for your help