With my 46 inch Samsung, I found that the "boost regulator" on the main control board had a bad chip capacitor.
I changed it using a small 10 uf 50 V tantalum capacitor (watch the polarity)...and all is fine.
The boost regulator is a MP2363DN and the large chip cap is immediately beside it.
The control board has the HDMI and I/0 Connectors on it with the tuner and antenna input...,my board is a BN94-01723A board but they may all be identical.
I suspect that as the boost regulator provides voltages for the chips, if the capacitor fails the voltage doesn't get filtered and produces high frequency crud ... all fixed with a 50 cent capacitor.
I changed it using a small 10 uf 50 V tantalum capacitor (watch the polarity)...and all is fine.
The boost regulator is a MP2363DN and the large chip cap is immediately beside it.
The control board has the HDMI and I/0 Connectors on it with the tuner and antenna input...,my board is a BN94-01723A board but they may all be identical.
I suspect that as the boost regulator provides voltages for the chips, if the capacitor fails the voltage doesn't get filtered and produces high frequency crud ... all fixed with a 50 cent capacitor.