[citation][nom]aftcomet[/nom]This is China's problem. Why do people think everything is America's problem? Why does any company have a duty to ensure how its suppliers are doing business? It's not like Apple projects this humanitarian, green image, so what's the problem?Blame the Chinese government for not doing anything. But no, this of course is 100% Apple's fault. The Chinese government is filled with angels.[/citation]
Perhaps the following reason is incomprehensible to you, however, by crApple, and any company for that matter, investing their money in China, they are supporting, and in fact, condoning the conditions over in China. Yes, it is China's problem, yes, it is Foxconn's problem, but they would find it much more difficult to function without the money that they get from companies like crApple.
Furthermore, YES crApple has a right to make a buck, but by doing so in this manner is, in fact, condoning a complete disregard for worker rights. In some respects, you could take this as crApple saying something like "if we could screw all US workers and give them no rights, we would bring manufacturing back to the US, but since in the US workers have rights, we will give all our manufacturing jobs to countries where the workers have no rights."
Get it??? In other words, crApple is essentially saying F the workers.