FPS Drop on League of legends

the 215

Jan 9, 2015
So before the new redesign of the map of summoners rift I was getting about 320 fps, after the redesign it dropped to about 290. The game had a recent patch, I get into a game and my fps drops from 290 to like 59.... i dont get it
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If you haven't made any changes to your computer that might have caused the issue, then it's most likely the FPS problem many people have been suffering from, ever since patches 4.20/4.21. Multiple people have been complaining about this problem. Some people playing on very strong computers are able to maintain a reasonable FPS, and some with very strong computers are hit extremely hard, but overall the FPS has dropped and hit many very hard since patch 4.21.


According to me it's not a problem many people having the same thing me too
So I don't remember where but it was in LOL's site that they tell you it's fine and I'll tell you something maybe it's true or maybe not
It's basically when you on loading screen there is not much to run that's why you get 300FPS but when you play there are too much things to run and it will be normal FPS s in any game right?
If I I play Lol I'll get on loading 200FPS and when I play I'll get 64_40 but to any other game I'll get 64-40 so my normal FPS is 64-40

LoL is not that graphically advanced of a game, even after the Summoners' Rift update. I can play CS: GO at highest settings, Final Fantasy, Naruto, Civ V, all at reasonable frame rates. The FPS issue in LoL only got so bad after a certain patch.

Also, you can't see FPS in loading screen, so I don't know what you're talking about. I think you're confused.