Free backup solution


Mar 19, 2012
I want a very simple backup solution, and I hate spending money when there is a way for free. I want 2 backup copies of a set of folders (several gigs but changes you be at most 1gb) to a local networked drive, one from the most recent week, one from the previous week.

Currently I use cubby to keep a mirrored copy of my laptop files on a desktop and comodo backup free to create differential backups weekly, but it does not automatically delete the old backups. And really this is over doing it. What I would be cool would be versioning or whatever its called like on dropbox, etc. And where one could adjust how long to keep backup copies. And have this 'cloud' on a local network. Or a free backup solution like I am talking about.

For a paid version would probably go Macrium.

There are a ton of sync solutions out there, w live, cubby, syncback, etc etc. But none really fit my purpose.

Any ideas.


That's a pretty simple backup if all you need is to backup a few folders. If you know how to write batch scripts, you can write one to copy those folders to a destination and delte old copies, and just set the batch script to run from the task scheduler.

For syncing, try bvckup.