From Desktop to Laptop


Sep 26, 2016
First time laptop buyer here,laptop + external display planned.

Realtime streaming ( financial software ),Firexfox Browser normally 5-10 tabs paralell

listening to music, once in a while a movie

NO gaming,video-photo editing

What are your thoughts in regards to the following Laptop specifications:

Intel I7 6th generation dual core ( don't know about the quad core )

12-16 GB DDR 4 Ram ( would DDR 3 also be a consideration ) ?

256-512GB SSD

In regards to the graphic card integrated / dedicated ?

Thank you for you help in advance
For that price I would recommend getting a 17 inch laptop with a quad core rather than dual core. You won't need a discrete gpu as financial software is mainly cpu dependent.
You are on the right track. You won't need a dedicated gpu, and while an i5 would be fine you are most likely to find an i7 on a laptop with alot of ram and a good display anyways. A performance i7 will be quad core while a i7 U (ULV) based cpu will be 2 core 2 hyperthreads. You get about half the speed on the ULV CPU BUT it isn't slow, you shouldn't have any issues really with everything you need and the ULV cpu will make life on battery much better.

Your RAM will be ddr4 no matter what. And that sized SSD is more than enough.

get a lenovo thinkpad simply the best laptops for people who dont game, high end build quality and they perform well and the warranty is literally the best ive had on any unit they had my laptop back when it had a issue in less than 24 hours. Now thats fast service, just make sure you get a i7 16gb ram and a good ssd, the reasoning for the i7 is streaming because that can be somewhat cpu intensive.



I would recommmend dedicated graphics just so you can always branch out if you decide to use the laptop for other tasks and because it will just over all last longer. I would say that a external display really isnt needed but its up to you.