Question Front USB ports recognize external hard drives back USB ports do not.

Jul 14, 2019
My back USB Ports are not recognizing my external hard drives.
All over Devices, work on the same USB ports, just not my external hard drives
My front USB ports work with my external hard drives no problem.

When I open Device Manager I have two ports with the following errors




I have tried a Host of things Including
-Bios is up to date
-Windows is up to date
-Changing Power Settings
-Uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers on the USB ports
-Using a Commandline to have Device Manager show nonpresent devices, removing them, disconnecting everything, rebooting, and connecting everything back

All USB ports work
All hard drives work
I can use a drive off the front USB ports no problem
The back USB ports ingratiated to the mother do not recognize the external hard drives but work with over devices.

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Are you sure that all the ports on the device are capable of accessing the drive? If say the drive is USB 3.0, but the ports are USB 2.0 then they will not work with it. While you can access a 2.0 device on a 3.0 port, the reverse doesn't work. It is quite common for computers to have both kinds. I would suggest checking the specs.
I have 4 USB 3.0 on the back and 2 USB 3.0 on the front.

I have had these drives hooked up for a couple of years no problem until this morning. When I hook one up to the front USB 3.0 windows see the drive and opens it to its proper drive letter in under 20 seconds. When plugged into the rear USB 3.0 nothing.

The only non 3.0 devices I have are my keyboard /mouse, game controller, and USB DAC. They all work fine on all the ports.

Its a really weird problem.
I see. I was assuming it was a new connection.

Then I agree it is an odd issue. Have you tried the following...

Try this...

  1. Go to "Control Panel" and then "Device Manager".
  2. Expand the "Universal Serial Bus controllers" section.
  3. Double-click on the "USB Root Hub device".
  4. Now click the "Power Management" tab.
  5. Uncheck the "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" option.
  6. Click the "OK" button.

NOTE: If there is more than one "USB Root Hub device" listed, Then you will have to repeat this steps for each one of them. Or at least each one that isn't working.

7. Restart the computer and all the ports should work now.

Should that not work, then you may want to try this...
I appreciate the help.

I tried your suggestion and "USB Root Hub (USB 3.0)" was checked "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" so I unchecked it rebooted, double checked to make sure it was unchecked then rebooted again NO DICE.

Tried your link, The only link really relevant to my problem was "Connected USB device is not detected in Windows" followed the instructions in Regedit, rebooted.......NO DICE.

The back usb ports run my other devices no problem. All my hard drives except one are self-powered. My little portable mechanical drive powers on and spins but it's like the thing is not even hooked up to the computer. Works fine front USB ports.

Any other suggestions would be appreciated.