Fujitsu LifeBook (Japanese) Fresh-Install w7x64 0 out of 3 USB ports working


Sep 18, 2016
Fujitsu LifeBook (Japanese) Fresh-Install w7x64 0 out of 3 USB ports working

So I have a USB problem, there are 3 USB ports on the system, and none of them work.

The system:
model/specs: LIFEBOOK SH54/K
NewOS: w7x64
FormerOS: w8
One definite issue: is that this system was designed for windows 8 so when you goto the manufacture support website, most of the drivers are for windows 8

Drivers in Question: (picture)

Other Possible or suspected issues: I have a hunch there is some BIOS setting, that is preventing, the USB ports from working, even though, I've already chosen to "load system defaults"

How do I know it is software and not hardware: I used USB boot, to install the OS yesterday from a USB stick, so everything will be fine. However, Natively the system, had some kind of "secureboot" setting, that would not allow the USB to boot. I had to change some of these settings
in order for the system to boot from the USB.

The advice from the manufacturer is this: (but these options are just waay to basic, no help there)
Try a different USB device
(tried 3, thumb-drive, headphones, mouse)
Check the required voltage of the device your using vs the voltage output of the port
(tried 3, thumb-drive, headphones, mouse)
To restart the computer and peripheral equipment
To verify the configuration of the BIOS setup utility
(reset bios, no noticeable change)
Contact the provider
(ill try this shortly)

Alternate solutions I've found on the web, that I have tried and were unsuccessful:
1. under host controller power management options, you can turn off "let windows turn this device off to save power"
(unchecking this on all usb devices didnt seem to help)
2. uninstall all usb devices, and restart (didnt seem to help)
3. under each device, re-install the same driver manually (didnt seem to help, although, some interesting, looking, installing this or that balloons pop-up like something is happening, but in reality, didnt seem to help)

I mean what else can be done really? not much really.
So Im back at square 1. Square 1 is determining, the exact motherboard and proper driver required to make this device work. So thats where my research leads me today.

I would like to verify that there is proper power or voltage going to the device, that would be a good indicator.

One last thing, I noticed there is some kind of unknown device, not really sure what it is. If you have any valuable advice I'd like to hear it thanks!

One final advice i found was to load the UEFI mode from the bios, not sure how to do that, but ill try updating the bios, that might help.


thank you very much, havent tried that, ill check that out!
ok im really having alot of problems getting this going. not so easy to find this stupid right thing, that just doesnt seem to exist anywhere else. so i found this website which tells us that we need to reinstall the driver using a special tool called "software disk search"
which when i searched to download that, i found only a 26KB file that is obviously not the software, im wondering if it may not be available for download, any help? I also tried to bypass this, and try the intel versions, however when i went to update the driver, it says i already have the most up to date driver... hrmmm, what to do.. frustrated!
Go to the Fujitsu Website, find your model, and download the DeskUpdate. The DeskUpdate basically searches Drivers, BIOS Updates and Applications (which come bundled from Fujitsu factory) on their servers, matches those which are currently installed on your computer, and updates those drivers, applications and BIOS which are either not installed or out-of-date.

DeskUpdate only requires the installed LAN (Ethernet) or WLAN Driver, an internet connection and the OS installed on the computer must be supported by the DeskUpdate release of that computer.
When you find the DeskUpdate download you will also be shown a table indicating if DeskUpdate is compatible with the OS installed on your computer.

Also right click on the "Unknown device" from the device manager and do a Google Search by it's Hardware ID to know what kind of device it is.
But I suggest installing the driver through DeskUpdate.
I searched desk update, and found this same page I found before. I think ive installed some of these, ill check
again for the proper driver perhaps, however notice all are for Windows 8, I have windows 7
If possible I really dont wanna use Windows 8 just for some stupid Usb drivers.
Does anyone see anything on this 3 page list, that remotely looks like it would be related to USB 3.0?
or should i just try everything? I did find a desk update, util, on a different page, ill see if that helps
i basically just typed in windows 7 x64 intel 3.0 drivers came to a intel site, there were two drivers, first one didnt work, wouldnt install. second one worked fine and the problem was solved. I want to mention, that prior to the install. i went to device manager, and deleted all the old usb drivers, i went to device manager, and hit the del key on each, and checked the delete driver check box on each one, i might have done a restart. I installed the driver i found, and it worked. The only issue i did run into was the time from plugin to "device is installed" was extremely long, and ranged from 5min, at the minimum, up to 15minutes at the maximum, any ideas why it would take 15 minutes for windows, to install a basic mouse? the computer now has all windows, updates, and that was also a pain. I would not do updates, and i had to manually download 2-3 manual updates, and a special tool from microsoft, that repairs and fixes windows update to work properly. many updates on that one. I will report, back on the current times, to install a basic mouse. Cuz it did seem a bit strange at 5 minutes to install a basic mouse, that should never happen, it should be more like 30 seconds at the most.