Functions to retrieve data from DEVMODE in C#

May 12, 2018
I wrote a C# class that holds some structures copied from PInvoke site. In this class I have: Printer_Info_2 structure, Job_Info_2 structure, SystemTime, Printer_Defaults and DevMode structures too. So I have the base to work on getting printer info and job info.
All I need is too get PrinterName, DocName, Owner, Total Pages and Copies in any printer spool located in my machine. But don't know how to obtain that information using InteropServices. I know there are a lot of codes in c, vb, C++ working around this, but I only know C#. Can anyone help me? Its not academic task, not for comercial aplication... Its for personal and education porpose.
May 12, 2018

I'm searching. But all I found till now was in some other languages than C#. I found a good sample that shows how to enumerate print ports on local machine. But that's not the answer I need. But thank you for your answer.