Fuzzy view through Canon viewfinder



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What is the view on Canon P&S viewfinders? I find them to be unsharp
(for the S410, S500, A95, etc.). The quality of the viewfinders is
rarely mentioned in the reviews one finds on the web.

I've tried with and without glasses, and it is worse with glasses, for
me anyway.

By comparison, I find the HP cameras to look much clearer.
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buy Nikon you get a viewfinder focus.........well my 5700 has it.

"Archie" <Archie@Hatespam.com> wrote in message
> What is the view on Canon P&S viewfinders? I find them to be unsharp
> (for the S410, S500, A95, etc.). The quality of the viewfinders is
> rarely mentioned in the reviews one finds on the web.
> I've tried with and without glasses, and it is worse with glasses, for
> me anyway.
> By comparison, I find the HP cameras to look much clearer.
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"Archie" <Archie@Hatespam.com> wrote in message
> What is the view on Canon P&S viewfinders? I find them to be unsharp
> (for the S410, S500, A95, etc.). The quality of the viewfinders is
> rarely mentioned in the reviews one finds on the web.
> I've tried with and without glasses, and it is worse with glasses, for
> me anyway.
> By comparison, I find the HP cameras to look much clearer.

I never use the optical viewfinder on a P&S digicam, LCD all the way for me.

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"Mark B." <mbohntrash54@comcast.net> wrote in message
> "Archie" <Archie@Hatespam.com> wrote in message
> news😛84451dei1lo4a975r64jco7ktk1vu5eu1@4ax.com...
>> What is the view on Canon P&S viewfinders? I find them to be unsharp
>> (for the S410, S500, A95, etc.). The quality of the viewfinders is
>> rarely mentioned in the reviews one finds on the web.
>> I've tried with and without glasses, and it is worse with glasses, for
>> me anyway.
>> By comparison, I find the HP cameras to look much clearer.
> I never use the optical viewfinder on a P&S digicam, LCD all the way for
> me.
> Mark

How sad for you.
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"Archie" <Archie@Hatespam.com> wrote in message
> What is the view on Canon P&S viewfinders? I find them to be unsharp
> (for the S410, S500, A95, etc.). The quality of the viewfinders is
> rarely mentioned in the reviews one finds on the web.
> I've tried with and without glasses, and it is worse with glasses, for
> me anyway.
> By comparison, I find the HP cameras to look much clearer.

Archie, I partly agree with you. I found HP M307 and M407 to have very
clear viewfinders while I've been looking for the last few months. But I
found Canon A75 quite clear and A85 and A95 were OK. But many makes have
quite blurred viewfinders (to me at least). Maybe its because I wear
glasses, or in my case, its probably middle age :) I have very sensitive
eyes. Most of the young guys selling cameras in stores don't even notice
and say to me "the viewfinder doesn't look blurry to me" and I said "of
course not, you are young and don't have glasses. Wait till you get
older and lets see if you say the same thing ". I don't want to depend
only on LCD's because I see better in the viewfinder. I would need at
least a 1.8" LCD but I should get 2" LCD. I would probably use the
viewfinder most of the time, but its nice to have the LCD too. I looked
at HP M407 a few months ago but there are not many reviews on it, so I
am still wavering. Its the cheapest camera I've seen for a 4 MP- $199.00
Can. $165.00 US. The M307 and 407 have 1.8" LCD's but with the M607 and
M 707 for some unknown reason that makes no sense to me, they went back
to the tiny 1.5" LCD. I would need binoculars :) If the M407 had a 2"
LCD, I would seriously consider it, as long as the quality of the
pictures was ok, which I am not sure about.

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On Tue, 5 Apr 2005 06:26:49 -0400, "Mark B."
<mbohntrash54@comcast.net> wrote:

>"Archie" <Archie@Hatespam.com> wrote in message
>> What is the view on Canon P&S viewfinders? I find them to be unsharp
>> (for the S410, S500, A95, etc.). The quality of the viewfinders is
>> rarely mentioned in the reviews one finds on the web.
>> I've tried with and without glasses, and it is worse with glasses, for
>> me anyway.
>> By comparison, I find the HP cameras to look much clearer.
>I never use the optical viewfinder on a P&S digicam, LCD all the way for me.

Try that while locking the focus, with the button half way down.

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"Pete D" <no@email.com> wrote in message
> "Mark B." <mbohntrash54@comcast.net> wrote in message
> news:A9udnVUEqPCQ9c_fRVn-oQ@comcast.com...
>> I never use the optical viewfinder on a P&S digicam, LCD all the way for
>> me.
>> Mark
> How sad for you.

Why is that? Please explain.

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"Archie" <Archie@Hatespam.com> wrote in message
> On Tue, 5 Apr 2005 06:26:49 -0400, "Mark B."
> <mbohntrash54@comcast.net> wrote:
>>I never use the optical viewfinder on a P&S digicam, LCD all the way for
> Try that while locking the focus, with the button half way down.
> A.

That's exactly how I operate my G1. What's the big deal? I'd much rather
look at the view the lens is seeing than try to look through the optical
viewfinder, which as the OP pointed out is terrible on most digicams not to
mention is not what will be captured on the sensor.

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On Wed, 6 Apr 2005 06:58:42 -0400, in rec.photo.digital , "Mark B."
<mbohntrash54@comcast.net> in <V86dnUgaW8d5Xc7fRVn-iw@comcast.com>

>"Pete D" <no@email.com> wrote in message
>> "Mark B." <mbohntrash54@comcast.net> wrote in message
>> news:A9udnVUEqPCQ9c_fRVn-oQ@comcast.com...
>>> I never use the optical viewfinder on a P&S digicam, LCD all the way for
>>> me.
>>> Mark
>> How sad for you.
>Why is that? Please explain.
As discussed elsewhere it is harder to hold the camera still that way.
I also find that it is much more difficult to compose a good shot that
way. I do it when I want the camera somewhere my eye can't be (and the
swivel lens on the F707 gives me lots of those opportunities) but
otherwise close to the face, with no distractions, allows crisper
better photos.

Matt Silberstein

All in all, if I could be any animal, I would want to be
a duck or a goose. They can fly, walk, and swim. Plus,
there there is a certain satisfaction knowing that at the
end of your life you will taste good with an orange sauce
or, in the case of a goose, a chestnut stuffing.
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I agree - HP makes great viewfinders - I used an old 315xi for 4 years
without ever turning on the LCD - it seriously chewed batteries,
anyways. OTOH, my Oly C-5060 can't really be used WITHOUT the LCD - the
optical viewfinder only covers about 70-80% of the scene, so I never
get my shot framing right. I use the optical viewfinder when I'm taking
"vacation snaps" and the framing really doesn't matter, and with 5
Mpixels I can crop to 1/2 size and still print great 8X10's; otherwise
for "hobby pictures" I use the LCD and either a monopod or a tripod.

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"Matt Silberstein" <RemoveThisPrefixmatts2nospam@ix.netcom.com> wrote in
message news😛gm7511qlgj7lfhpb9sdrmbof87c1e6bfd@4ax.com...
>>> "Mark B." <mbohntrash54@comcast.net> wrote in message
>>> news:A9udnVUEqPCQ9c_fRVn-oQ@comcast.com...
>>>> I never use the optical viewfinder on a P&S digicam, LCD all the way
>>>> for
>>>> me.
>>>> Mark
>>> How sad for you.
>>Why is that? Please explain.
> As discussed elsewhere it is harder to hold the camera still that way.
> I also find that it is much more difficult to compose a good shot that
> way. I do it when I want the camera somewhere my eye can't be (and the
> swivel lens on the F707 gives me lots of those opportunities) but
> otherwise close to the face, with no distractions, allows crisper
> better photos.

If we were talking about a digital SLR, I'd agree 100% - very difficult to
hold a SLR with even a smallish lens any length away from your face and get
a steady shot. Even if this feature eventually migrates to DSLRs, I'll
still use the optical viewfinder. But with a light digicam, it's not a
problem in most cases. I've never had any problem with my G1 or A70 doing

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"Cathy" <not@there.com> wrote in message

>But many makes have
> quite blurred viewfinders (to me at least). Maybe its because I wear
> glasses, or in my case, its probably middle age :)

>I would probably use the
> viewfinder most of the time, but its nice to have the LCD too.

Sounds like you need a camera with a diopter adjustment dial.

I usually use the viewfinder because I can hold the camera steadier when I
brace my arms closer to my body. I set the diopter on my Canon when I first
got it because my eyes aren't that sharp either. I found the diopter
adjustment to be a great feature to have.

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"Renee" <rr@invalid.org> wrote in message news:2vD5e.25740

> "Cathy" <not@there.com> wrote in message
> news:8v2dnWtfe7sK1s7fRVn-qQ@rogers.com...
> <snip>
> >But many makes have
> > quite blurred viewfinders (to me at least). Maybe its because I wear
> > glasses, or in my case, its probably middle age :)
> <snip>
> >I would probably use the
> > viewfinder most of the time, but its nice to have the LCD too.
> Sounds like you need a camera with a diopter adjustment dial.

You are probably right, but I haven't seen many cameras that have the
diopter adjustment, and never actually looked in one with that feature.
They seem to be in more expensive cameras. I am looking for a camera
around $299.00 Can.$ so around $250.00 US. We get most of the models
here that you do in the US, but not all,and depending on the camera
make, some cameras here cost quite a lot more than in the US. I could
pay a little more if I really liked a camera, but not a lot more, as I
would not be using it frequently - mainly want one for family 4X6 stills
and scenery.
I'd like to get one with 2" LCD if possible, but for me the viewfinder
has to be pretty clear.

> I usually use the viewfinder because I can hold the camera steadier
when I
> brace my arms closer to my body. I set the diopter on my Canon when I
> got it because my eyes aren't that sharp either. I found the diopter
> adjustment to be a great feature to have.

Yes, you are right, holding the camera in the way you describe sounds
like a good idea.
Is a diopter for using with no glasses, kind of like using binoculars? I
don't need glasses when looking through my binoculars and always think
this would be great if my vision was like this all the time and I
wouldn't need glasses :)
What model Canon do you have? I am looking for point and shoot and have
looked at many reviews, and many cameras in the stores.I didn't look for
a while, but starting to look again.
Thanks Renee.

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On Fri, 8 Apr 2005 23:44:34 -0400, Cathy wrote:

> They seem to be in more expensive cameras. I am looking for a camera
> around $299.00 Can.$ so around $250.00 US. We get most of the models
> here that you do in the US, but not all,and depending on the camera
> make, some cameras here cost quite a lot more than in the US. I could
> pay a little more if I really liked a camera, but not a lot more, as I
> would not be using it frequently - mainly want one for family 4X6 stills
> and scenery.
> I'd like to get one with 2" LCD if possible, but for me the viewfinder
> has to be pretty clear.

You might want to consider some of Panasonic's Lumix cameras, even
though some of them might be slightly above your price limit. I
don't recall all of the spec's so you'd have to look them up, but
the ones I'm thinking of have what many here might consider a
drawback - no viewfinder. But they're small, have large displays
(up to 2.5 inches) and 3x or 6x optical zoom, depending on model.
What most people here don't like about using the display to take the
picture is that it's supposedly not as stable as if a viewfinder is
used. But these Panasonics all have image stabilization built into
the cameras, which should more than compensate. Here's some of the
(incomplete) data I had saved:

Panasonic Lumix DMC-LS1 : Image Stabilization, AA batteries, (3.7
x 2.5 x 1.2 in)

Panasonic Lumix DMC-LZ1 / DMC-LZ2 : AA batteries, I.S., 6x optical:
LZ2==5mp, (4.0 x 2.5 x 1.3 in); large but LoRes LCD

Panasonix Lumix DMC-FX7 : (3.7 x 2.0 x 1.0 in), Stabilization; USB
Full Speed; 2.5" display; AF illuminator
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On Fri, 8 Apr 2005 23:44:34 -0400, "Cathy" <not@there.com> wrote:

>"Renee" <rr@invalid.org> wrote in message news:2vD5e.25740
>> Sounds like you need a camera with a diopter adjustment dial.
>You are probably right, but I haven't seen many cameras that have the
>diopter adjustment, and never actually looked in one with that feature.
>They seem to be in more expensive cameras. I am looking for a camera
>around $299.00 Can.$ so around $250.00 US.

I didn't see the start of this thread, but the Minolta Z series has
diopter adjustment, and the lower models in the range might be an
acceptable price for you.

Stephen Poley
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"Cathy" <not@there.com> wrote in message
> "Renee" <rr@invalid.org> wrote in message news:2vD5e.25740
>> Sounds like you need a camera with a diopter adjustment dial.
> You are probably right, but I haven't seen many cameras that have the
> diopter adjustment, and never actually looked in one with that feature.
> They seem to be in more expensive cameras. I am looking for a camera
> around $299.00 Can.$ so around $250.00 US. We get most of the models
> here that you do in the US, but not all,and depending on the camera
> make, some cameras here cost quite a lot more than in the US. I could
> pay a little more if I really liked a camera, but not a lot more, as I
> would not be using it frequently - mainly want one for family 4X6 stills
> and scenery.
> I'd like to get one with 2" LCD if possible, but for me the viewfinder
> has to be pretty clear.
>> I usually use the viewfinder because I can hold the camera steadier
> when I
>> brace my arms closer to my body. I set the diopter on my Canon when I
> first
>> got it because my eyes aren't that sharp either. I found the diopter
>> adjustment to be a great feature to have.
> Yes, you are right, holding the camera in the way you describe sounds
> like a good idea.
> Is a diopter for using with no glasses, kind of like using binoculars? I
> don't need glasses when looking through my binoculars and always think
> this would be great if my vision was like this all the time and I
> wouldn't need glasses :)
> What model Canon do you have? I am looking for point and shoot and have
> looked at many reviews, and many cameras in the stores.I didn't look for
> a while, but starting to look again.
> Thanks Renee.
> Cathy

Cathy, I'm blind without contacts or glasses. Since I'm usually wearing
glasses, taking them off every time I shoot would be bothersome. So I always
shoot all my photos with them on. But I can also see through the viewfinder
without glasses or contacts by adjusting the diopter. Not sure if it'll work
that way for everyone.

I have an S1 IS. ($299.95 at NewEgg, $309.95 at B&H -- two vendors I hear
people trust doing business with). But it doesn't sound like the S1 is one
you'd want to look at. It only has a 1.5" LCD and has an 10x ultra-zoom, a
feature you didn't say you'd have use for. Sounds like you'd be better off
with a wider-angle camera for those landscape photos than a tele-photo one.
(Though the S1 does take interchangeable lenses like wide-angles. But
point-and-shoot photographers probably don't care to lug around extra camera
gear and weight.)

All the cameras you look at *should* have a feature that lets you zoom in on
the image while you're reviewing it on the LCD -- you can tell if the photo
you just took is out of focus. So if you're mainly going to use the
viewfinder, don't let a smaller LCD sway your decision.

Whatever models you decide to check out, try to look at some photos taken by
owners who are casual shooters or amateur photographers. They're the ones
who are usually taking the shaky shots, and under less than ideal
circumstances. See how good their shots are coming out.


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"ASAAR" <caught@22.com> wrote in message
> On Fri, 8 Apr 2005 23:44:34 -0400, Cathy wrote:
> > They seem to be in more expensive cameras. I am looking for a camera
> > around $299.00 Can.$ so around $250.00 US. We get most of the models
> > here that you do in the US, but not all,and depending on the camera
> > make, some cameras here cost quite a lot more than in the US. I
> > pay a little more if I really liked a camera, but not a lot more, as
> > would not be using it frequently - mainly want one for family 4X6
> > and scenery.
> > I'd like to get one with 2" LCD if possible, but for me the
> > has to be pretty clear.
> You might want to consider some of Panasonic's Lumix cameras, even
> though some of them might be slightly above your price limit. I
> don't recall all of the spec's so you'd have to look them up, but
> the ones I'm thinking of have what many here might consider a
> drawback - no viewfinder.

To be honest, I would not buy a camera with no viewfinder. I am used to
a 35 mm and dependent on a viewfinder. I know I would have problems
adjusting to an LCD only as I would use a viewfinder more than an LCD,
though nice to have an LCD. I've only seen one camera on my travels
here with no viewfinder, so they don't seem to be very popular - but
maybe later they will be. However, I don't think they are 2" LCD's. I
haven't seen many Panasonic cameras in stores here. On the STaples site,
I only saw two and they were LC50 and LC70, both had 1.5" LCD. Too small
for me. I need 1.8" at least. On other sites of camera stores here, I
didn't see any Panasonics. Canons, Sony, Fuji and Olympus are more
common. But you have more variety than we do and usually cheaper, though
we have quite frequent sales here so I keep looking.


> Panasonic Lumix DMC-LS1 : Image Stabilization, AA batteries, (3.7
> x 2.5 x 1.2 in)
> Panasonic Lumix DMC-LZ1 / DMC-LZ2 : AA batteries, I.S., 6x optical:
> LZ2==5mp, (4.0 x 2.5 x 1.3 in); large but LoRes LCD
> Panasonix Lumix DMC-FX7 : (3.7 x 2.0 x 1.0 in), Stabilization; USB
> Full Speed; 2.5" display; AF illuminator

I looked up the cameras you mention above, but the lack of viewfinder
would not do for me.
Thanks though.

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"Stephen Poley" <sbpoleySpicedHamTrap@xs4all.nl> wrote in message
> On Fri, 8 Apr 2005 23:44:34 -0400, "Cathy" <not@there.com> wrote:
> >"Renee" <rr@invalid.org> wrote in message news:2vD5e.25740
> >
> >> Sounds like you need a camera with a diopter adjustment dial.
> >
> >You are probably right, but I haven't seen many cameras that have the
> >diopter adjustment, and never actually looked in one with that
> >They seem to be in more expensive cameras. I am looking for a camera
> >around $299.00 Can.$ so around $250.00 US.
> I didn't see the start of this thread, but the Minolta Z series has
> diopter adjustment, and the lower models in the range might be an
> acceptable price for you.

I looked to see what Minolta Z series cameras looked like, but they are
too big for what I want. I am looking for a compact point and shoot
something like A75/85, but wanted to see if I can get something with two
batteries. The A510 and A520 replaced them but they seem to have mixed
reviews. New cameras are coming out all the time and are fairly
reasonable prices which I consider to be $250.00 US.

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"Renee" <rr@invalid.org> wrote in message
> "Cathy" <not@there.com> wrote in message
> news:nNednWkxEsr60srfRVn-2Q@rogers.com...
> > "Renee" <rr@invalid.org> wrote in message news:2vD5e.25740


> >> I usually use the viewfinder because I can hold the camera steadier
> > when I
> >> brace my arms closer to my body. I set the diopter on my Canon when
> > first
> >> got it because my eyes aren't that sharp either. I found the
> >> adjustment to be a great feature to have.
> >
> > Yes, you are right, holding the camera in the way you describe
> > like a good idea.
> > Is a diopter for using with no glasses, kind of like using
binoculars? I
> > don't need glasses when looking through my binoculars and always
> > this would be great if my vision was like this all the time and I
> > wouldn't need glasses :)
> > What model Canon do you have? I am looking for point and shoot and
> > looked at many reviews, and many cameras in the stores.I didn't look
> > a while, but starting to look again.
> > Thanks Renee.
> >
> > Cathy
> >
> Cathy, I'm blind without contacts or glasses. Since I'm usually
> glasses, taking them off every time I shoot would be bothersome. So I
> shoot all my photos with them on. But I can also see through the
> without glasses or contacts by adjusting the diopter. Not sure if
it'll work
> that way for everyone.

I don't recall seeing a camera with a diopter on my travels. I think
they are probably more money and that is why. Most chain stores here
that carry cameras just carry the most popular and most sold makes.
There is one camera store I have looked in, and they sell cameras only,
I might find more there with diopters, but their prices are a little
higher than the chain stores, though they sometimes have camera sales. I
could do without a diopter if I had to. For my needs, its not the most
important thing but would be nice. As long as the viewfinder is clear to
me, that would be ok. Some are clear and some are very fuzzy to me.

> I have an S1 IS. ($299.95 at NewEgg, $309.95 at B&H -- two vendors I
> people trust doing business with). But it doesn't sound like the S1 is
> you'd want to look at. It only has a 1.5" LCD and has an 10x
ultra-zoom, a
> feature you didn't say you'd have use for. Sounds like you'd be better
> with a wider-angle camera for those landscape photos than a tele-photo
> (Though the S1 does take interchangeable lenses like wide-angles. But
> point-and-shoot photographers probably don't care to lug around extra
> gear and weight.)

I am looking for only a point and shoot. The S1 is a Canon? there is
also an S1 Nikon.
We don't have Newegg or B& H in this country (Canada). We have Staples,
Best Buy, Future shop, Henrys and thats the main ones.

> All the cameras you look at *should* have a feature that lets you
zoom in on
> the image while you're reviewing it on the LCD -- you can tell if the
> you just took is out of focus. So if you're mainly going to use the
> viewfinder, don't let a smaller LCD sway your decision.

Well, I would have to have at least a 1.8" LCD as a 1.5" is way too
small for me to see comfortably. Even though I would be using a
viewfinder most of the time, I need to have an LCD that I can also use
and that could not be a 1.5". Most newer cameras coming out have 2 and
2.5" LCD's, which is much more to my liking. so no use for me to settle
for a 1.5", so I have to say that a 1.5" would definitely sway my
decision. I looked online at a couple of new Sony cameras online which
will be coming out soon and one store here will carry them. Depends on
the price though.It has a 2.5" LCD. I also saw a Pentax Optio coming out
which will be 2". No prices for them given yet.

> Whatever models you decide to check out, try to look at some photos
taken by
> owners who are casual shooters or amateur photographers. They're the
> who are usually taking the shaky shots, and under less than ideal
> circumstances. See how good their shots are coming out.

I check reviews and photos on Steves digicam and dscresource and
I would have to be more serious as to what I want to buy and when I go
to stores, they would let me see the camera with the LCD lit up. half
the time they seem to be out of batteries.

> http://photofan.multiply.com/photos

Did you take these photos?

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"Cathy" <not@there.com> wrote in message
> I am looking for only a point and shoot. The S1 is a Canon? there is
> also an S1 Nikon.
> We don't have Newegg or B& H in this country (Canada). We have Staples,
> Best Buy, Future shop, Henrys and thats the main ones.
> I would have to be more serious as to what I want to buy and when I go
> to stores, they would let me see the camera with the LCD lit up. half
> the time they seem to be out of batteries.
> Did you take these photos?
> Cathy

Hi Cathy,

I have a Canon S1 IS. The S1 photos were taken by me. The A95 photos were
taken by a friend. She's strictly a point-and-shoot gal like yourself. I had
to twist her arm to try some of her other camera settings. I'd never give up
my ultra-zoom but if I had to choose a p&s without it, it'd be the A95. The
camera gets a lot of good reviews; her photos come out great and she know
less about what she's doing than I do (if that's possible) 🙂

Some people take their own flash memory cards to the stores to shoot test
pictures. I don't see why you can't bring in your own batteries.
