Solved! Galaxy Tab S SM-T705 Black screen


Nov 17, 2015
Hi all,
My Galaxy Tab S SM-T705 has a kind of recurrent problem !
I spend much time on the Internet to find a solution ...
In my case :
Pressing (short / long) the power button has no effect.
Pressing the power button + Vol up (or down) buttons has no effect.
Pressing the power button + Vol up (or down) buttons + home button has no effect.
A connection to a PC and going to properties shows
Model name Galaxy Tab S SM-T705 Firmware version T705XXU1CPI4
Serial number R52 ....T
Power source : Battery 100% charged

History :
This happened some days before with the same symptoms.
After trying all the hints above, I suspected a battery problem.
A new battery has been installed by a professional.
The same day it was replaced the tablet worked perfectly.
But the next morning again impossible to have the screen lights up !

Thanks for help !
Sounds like the display is either disconnected or it is in need of replacing. If under warranty, contact the manufacturer. If not, then try a local tech.
Thanks for your answer.
Not under warranty anymore ...
"Need of replacing" ? Looks strange to me as it worked nicely a full day !
"disconnected" ? Is the screen connection on this tablet known as fragile ?

Thanks !