Game Storage



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I thought I'd pass on a good storage option, as I'm sure most of you
are like me and have about a billion cartridges and etc. Anyway, Best
Buy sells a high capacity media storage rack for about $69:

It's a bit expensive, but I haven't really found anything cheaper
that's as flexible. I'm sure if you were so inclined you could build
something better, but I'm not so inclined. What's good about it, is
it's really flexible. You can arrange the shelves to fit any form
factor, from CDs to DVDs to anything in between. This helps for storing
something like say a Genesis Cartridge and a Saturn Case in the same
shelf without wasting space.

I have two of these so far and was able to get my '95-Present
collection and the remainder of my Sega stuff (minus most of my 32x
carts which are ahem.. in a box somewhere..) onto 2 of these. I still
need to pick up a few more for the 'classic' era stuff. Here are some
pics of the two I have, note: I still need to organize so everything is
sorted by system only:

Anyway, it works for me. Anybody else have any suggestions? I'm coming
up on trying to figure out how to store actual systems. Previously I've
used book cases, but the Wife took those over and you waste a lot of
space with normal bookshelves anyway.

= numsix
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> For console storage, I keep everything in clip-locked plastic boxes from the
> 2 dollar shop. Stackable, and keeps the dust off.

I have everything in boxes right now as well, but I'm trying to get
away from that. I'd rather have everything easily accessable on a
shelf, where you can just grab it and plug and play. Between consoles
and older computers i probably have 20 or so units, which eats up a
bookshelf type unit quickly. It's especially annoying that you can only
fit 2 or 3 units per shelf usually and end up wasting most of the
actual shelf area since obviously consoles aren't very tall.

I don't have the surface area to do a shelf setup like you do since my
designated 'game room' is full of stand ups and pins, and I doubt i'd
be able to comandeer an entire 2nd room...

Anyway, I'm still looking into options. I do like the Atlantic units
for general use.

= numsix
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"Jack (" <> wrote in message
>I thought I'd pass on a good storage option, as I'm sure most of you
> are like me and have about a billion cartridges and etc. Anyway, Best
> Buy sells a high capacity media storage rack for about $69:
> It's a bit expensive, but I haven't really found anything cheaper
> that's as flexible. I'm sure if you were so inclined you could build
> something better, but I'm not so inclined. What's good about it, is
> it's really flexible. You can arrange the shelves to fit any form
> factor, from CDs to DVDs to anything in between. This helps for storing
> something like say a Genesis Cartridge and a Saturn Case in the same
> shelf without wasting space.
> I have two of these so far and was able to get my '95-Present
> collection and the remainder of my Sega stuff (minus most of my 32x
> carts which are ahem.. in a box somewhere..) onto 2 of these. I still
> need to pick up a few more for the 'classic' era stuff. Here are some
> pics of the two I have, note: I still need to organize so everything is
> sorted by system only:
> Anyway, it works for me. Anybody else have any suggestions? I'm coming
> up on trying to figure out how to store actual systems. Previously I've
> used book cases, but the Wife took those over and you waste a lot of
> space with normal bookshelves anyway.


If your wife doesn't want games in the shelves, why did you marry her? :)

For console storage, I keep everything in clip-locked plastic boxes from the
2 dollar shop. Stackable, and keeps the dust off.
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I've never tried to only focus on certain systems. Since the NES, I've
owned every major console while it was still 'new', so its not like i
picked up most of these games from thrifting or anything like that.
Sure I thrift from time to time (and have been for over a decade), but
I rarely find anything good anymore anyway. So most of my games I've
had since I bought them new (or used, but I bought them when they were
still viable) so it all kinda got out of hand. Now i've got a ton, but
I can't really think of dumping any of it. Nor would I just want to
concentrate on a handful of systems.. even though there are some I like
better than others.

I guess my strategy has always been to really rack up my games towards
the end of the systems life when the game stores are dumping them. I
did that with the NES, Genesis, Saturn, etc. Last year I picked up
quite a few PS1 games for almost nothing as most of the EBs were
dumping them for a few bucks each. It makes for a big collection, but
ah, them the breaks. I'd hate to pair down and I generally only buy
stuff I actually would like to play anyway (but obviously I hardly get
the chance on a lot of this stuff). I'm also more interested in having
a decent library for every system than I am about trying to 'complete'
a system collection.

I have been selling off my arcade PCBs recently, mainly because I have
a Mame cabinet now and a good number of the PCBs either have built in
self destruction dates via a suicide battery, or will start to fail due
to age after awhile.. so i'd rather cash in now while I can rather than
worry about having a bunch of dead PCBs (which are worth less, or are a
pain to fix) later.

= numsix
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"John" <> wrote in news:dgvd9l$opu$

> I'm coming around to your point of view, I'm considering cutting my
> collection down to the 16 bit era.. snes, megadrive, neogeo, pc
> engine.

I kind of thought this would happen as I got a larger collection.
I just decided to never collect anything I wasn't interested in before
I got into the hobby. Sure, I've been tempted by a Saturn and Jag on
occasion, but they didn't interest me in their heyday. So... I
just focus on the systems I have now.


Aaron J. Bossig
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"Jack (" <> wrote:
> I thought I'd pass on a good storage option, as I'm sure most
> of you are like me and have about a billion cartridges and etc.
> Anyway, Best Buy sells a high capacity media storage rack for
> about $69:

This shelf, and apparently the others, has a problem for me...

What if I only want DVD storage? Those adjustable shelves end
up leaving a gap somewhere... There's almost always one shelf
in the middle of the unit that ISN'T adjustable, meaning that
even if the total height was correct, the middle shelf screws
it up.

Basically, every three CD-sized shelves is equivalent to two
DVD-sized shelves, so the non-adjustable middle shelf would
have to be 3 or 6 CD-sized shelves up, and 3 to 6 CD-sized
shelves above it.

Does such a beast exist? Does anyone know any large shelf
units that are meant ONLY for DVDs?
|| Russ Perry Jr 2175 S Tonne Dr #114 Arlington Hts IL 60005 ||
|| 847-952-9729 [NEW!] VIDEOGAME COLLECTOR! ||
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"Aaron J. Bossig" <> wrote in message
> "John" <> wrote in news:dgvd9l$opu$
>> I'm coming around to your point of view, I'm considering cutting my
>> collection down to the 16 bit era.. snes, megadrive, neogeo, pc
>> engine.
> I kind of thought this would happen as I got a larger collection.
> I just decided to never collect anything I wasn't interested in before
> I got into the hobby. Sure, I've been tempted by a Saturn and Jag on
> occasion, but they didn't interest me in their heyday. So... I
> just focus on the systems I have now.

That was my problem. I was interested in all videogames systems :)
But with a child on the way something's gotta give.
I think the 8 bits will be the first to go.
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> I'm assuming from this pic that the non-adjustable middle shelf is
> the one just above the fifth row of CDs. These leaves slightly
> larger space than 4 CD shelves above that middle. Doing some
> eyeballing, 3 CD shelves is about the same of 2 DVD shelves.
> That would seem to me that below the middle shelf, you could fit
> in three rows of DVDs, but above, only 2, and with pretty big
> gaps there. Is that what you see?

The expanded pic is a bit misleading, at least from the actual product.
Take a look at how I have one set:

As you can see 'above the middle shelf' I have most of the top section
dedicated to PS2/GC Etc. which use typical DVD cases, which gives you 3
rows of DVDs without too much 'dead space' (only an inch or so). You
can do the exact same thing with the bottom portion - 3 DVD rows
across. I just have this one set for all sorts of stuff (CDs, Saturn
Games, Etc.) I have 2 of these dedicated to DVDs and all of them work
fine with 3 rows across on top and bottom of the middle shelf. The
Middle shelf does form the 'bottom' of the top row of three. Thus you
get 6 rows across total which adds up to I believe close to 300 DVDs
per unit total.

There is a shelf on top and bottom that has a bit more 'head room' than
you need, but not too much and that works out well for box sets, etc.
Even though they can be configured to hold just about anything, Best
Buy sells them primarily as 'Mass DVD' storage.

= numsix
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I own this one

Although boxed games like Sega Genesis/Sega CD and with the quantity of NES
games I will find in the future it was full when I bought it.

I am working on a custom shelving area now. Only negative thing I wasn't
born with the chromosomes to build things so the project has been rather
discouraging. (laughs)

So far the idea is 2 3 shelf closet maid shelves stacked on each side of
tables where systems are. Next I am going to bridge them together with
shelving going across over the systems. I figure the most room I have is
going up. I can double layer the games on the shelves because they are open
so I can get to them on either side.

Something like that...

|-| |-|
|-| |-|

That should hold the boxed games and keep the other media unit for the old


"Jack (" <> wrote in message
>I thought I'd pass on a good storage option, as I'm sure most of you
> are like me and have about a billion cartridges and etc. Anyway, Best
> Buy sells a high capacity media storage rack for about $69:
> It's a bit expensive, but I haven't really found anything cheaper
> that's as flexible. I'm sure if you were so inclined you could build
> something better, but I'm not so inclined. What's good about it, is
> it's really flexible. You can arrange the shelves to fit any form
> factor, from CDs to DVDs to anything in between. This helps for storing
> something like say a Genesis Cartridge and a Saturn Case in the same
> shelf without wasting space.
> I have two of these so far and was able to get my '95-Present
> collection and the remainder of my Sega stuff (minus most of my 32x
> carts which are ahem.. in a box somewhere..) onto 2 of these. I still
> need to pick up a few more for the 'classic' era stuff. Here are some
> pics of the two I have, note: I still need to organize so everything is
> sorted by system only:
> Anyway, it works for me. Anybody else have any suggestions? I'm coming
> up on trying to figure out how to store actual systems. Previously I've
> used book cases, but the Wife took those over and you waste a lot of
> space with normal bookshelves anyway.
> = numsix
> =
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"Jack (" <> wrote:
>> I'm assuming from this pic that the non-adjustable middle shelf is
>> the one just above the fifth row of CDs. These leaves slightly
>> larger space than 4 CD shelves above that middle. Doing some
>> eyeballing, 3 CD shelves is about the same of 2 DVD shelves.
>> That would seem to me that below the middle shelf, you could fit
>> in three rows of DVDs, but above, only 2, and with pretty big
>> gaps there. Is that what you see?

> The expanded pic is a bit misleading, at least from the actual product.
> Take a look at how I have one set:

I'm pretty sure that's the EXACT shelf I have...

> As you can see 'above the middle shelf' I have most of the top section
> dedicated to PS2/GC Etc. which use typical DVD cases, which gives you 3
> rows of DVDs without too much 'dead space' (only an inch or so).

That's what I have -- the top row has more dead space than the
other two, but not TOO obnoxious.

> You can do the exact same thing with the bottom portion - 3 DVD rows
> across.

But only with a lot more wasted space. If you have it set for a
minimum amount of wasted space you get 3 DVD rows but also a row
that will only fit CDs. I'd rather have 4 DVD rows. You see, I
bought the unit to hold my Gamecube collection, but the loss of
that row means that I can't get it all in the shelf after all.
Of course, if they keep releasing GC games, I'm going to need
more shelving anyway... 🙂
|| Russ Perry Jr 2175 S Tonne Dr #114 Arlington Hts IL 60005 ||
|| 847-952-9729 [NEW!] VIDEOGAME COLLECTOR! ||