Games for my 8600M GT


Jan 29, 2006

So I just got an ASUS G1S-B1 and would like to know what games would take advantage of my 8600M GT without making it lag or slowdown.

Going to update drivers soon so besides Crysis, what other game would be nice to try and see how good it looks?

PD: Is a decent card, for the haters out there, dont even waste your time writing "hearts from windows"
Solitaire from windows? :lol:

Seriously though, its a decent enough card. Almost as fast as my Go 7900GS.

Good luck running Crysis. That game stalls even high-end desktops at high settings.

Most of the newer games will be a real challenge on any laptop.

To get a good feel for your new laptops abilities, run 3DMark06 and report your score.
You even said solitaire, lol! haha

Well yeah is a decent card, im downloading 3dmark and will be posting scores. Ill be also installing CoD4 and UT3 to see perfomance.

So far I can play Crysis in low settings at 1024x768 but it kinda lags when there is a lot of shooting, although is playable. Will see when I upgrade drivers to see the perfomance jump.
For a laptop that's not terrible. The 7950GTX in my system got ~5300, but it's a beast of a card. I think Crysis is at the upper limits of you system. You could probably play Bioshock and COD4 (both of which are fun). Maybe try Lost Planet, but no guarantees for that one either.
Yep, not bad at all for a laptop. The average 8600M GT scores 3200, so not bad at all. Although I would be more inclined to believe that score if you post your screenshot. :sol:

What else you got in that laptop?
The Asus G1 has a T7500 in it, which might be why his scores are a little higher. The G1 is a nice system and is actually the unit that got me back into laptops. I like the G1 and then found the one I have now. For the most part I couldn't be happier, except that I wish I had waited for Santa Rosa cuz it's going to cost me $600 to upgrade my CPU if I need to.
Well I took a screenshoot will post it as soon as the laptop is available, currently family is doing some work so I cant bother them right now. Probably ready for tomorrow.

My G1S-B1 has a T7700 @ 2.4Ghz
Santa Rosa 965 chipset
Intel turbo memory
2Gbs of 667mhz RAM
8600M GT 256mb
1650x1050 resolution at 15.4 screen size

well, what else can I say? those are the basics, the rest is what every other laptop has.
Oh yeah, mines has HDMI and eSATA plus a lot more features that makes it unique and why I got it instead of Dell and Alienware etc. search for g1s-b1 and you will see.
Ok guys sorry for the dealy. Its been a long time I know but here it is


Sorry for not posting CPU-Z, I totally forgot about it but there is no reason for me to lie so...

Will upgrade drivers as soon as is available again and will re-run 3dMark 06 to compare scores. Will also OC this baby with RivaTuner once I get the chance :)
OC'ed my 8600m gt to 580 core and 445 memory and boosted my 3Dmark06 scores almost 1000 points to 4149! it plays games about the same as a single 8700m gt

Thats to be expected since all the 8700 is is an overclocked 8600GT. Besides the clocks there is absolutely no difference between the two cards.
Well guys, I got some news :)

I upgraded my drivers to 169.12 and guess what? I broke the 4k Score in 3DMark06!!! Im really impressed with the perfomance of the card and the drivers! This is with NO OC!!!

I've just ordered myself a Dell Vostro that has exactly the same spec (apart from 3gb of RAM). When i get it i'll see what scores i can get.
You guys know more than me but I think the 8600M GT is a decent peformer.

It can play games like COD4, Gears of War, QW:ET, Bioshock on high settings at 1280x720 resolution. It'll run older games easily and pretty much all recent titles quite well.

I tried Crysis on it just to see how it runs, I was able to play it on medium settings 1024x768 with one or two settings down.

Rainbow Six Vegas which wasn't a great port, 1024x768 everything on except shadows on medium although I hear with tweaks you can get this to play better at 1280x720 which I haven't tried.

firestorm The card has 256mb video memory and in the nvidia control panel on my laptop its says its total something like 1023mb so I guess if you have enough ram it makes use of it too when needed.

By the way slim142 is your one gddr3 or ddr2?, mine is the ddr2 version.
Oh I agree with you guys, there are better cards and I'm not saying anyone said its a bad card I was just listing some games that it can play to answer the question in the first post. :)