GeForce GTX 950A vs 950M vs 950


Nov 29, 2016
I am plannig to buy a laptop for my heavy processing work including parallel processing using CUDA. The available laptop I can buy has Geforce GTX 950A 2GB GDDR5 graphic card.
I have searched in the web and I found just 950M and 950, both capable for parallel processing, but not any helpful information about 950A.

Is Geforce GTX 950A OK for parallel processing?

Is it less capable than 950 or 950M?

I am in a hurry to buy a capable laptop and I would appreciate any quick help.

As far as I can see, it has 2GB instead of 4GB and about 50-100MHz less of core clock in order to maintain lower temps and power usage. It Maintains the number of cores and should be CUDA capable

It would depend on the laptop model. Could you share with us the models that you are wanting to buy?
I've seen that the GTX950A has a bit lower clock than the GTX950M and less VRAM. But that could be in a specific model. The best is to check the information from the laptop manufacturer.
Regarding CUDA, it will be supported, as it is supported from Nvidia 8000 series.

Hi grmnlxndr,
Thank you for your quick answer. The model is Lenovo ideapad 700. In some cases, its graphic card is 950 or 950M, but at my region it is 950A.

As far as I can see, it has 2GB instead of 4GB and about 50-100MHz less of core clock in order to maintain lower temps and power usage. It Maintains the number of cores and should be CUDA capable

It is 2G GDDR5 while 950M is 4G DDR3 and I read at this website that GDDR5 is far better than DDR3.
So you beleive that it is CUDA capable. Thank you very much for your kind helps.

Yes, about the memory type, GDDR5 is at least twice as fast as DDR3. And regarding the models, you can find 950A and 950M using DDR3 and GDDR5, is mostly a manufacturer thing. But, checking in lenovo, they seem to use the GDDR5 memory.
CUDA will be available in any actual Nvidia GPU.