Getting a gaming laptop not desktop, which to get for 1300?

Need Help_71

Mar 31, 2012
Wondering which lapotp will give me the best gaming performance for under 1300 USD. Preferably not heavier than 10 pounds.
Delivery to Canada would be great! :)
woops sorry.

3 hours and up.
Anything above 14 inches
I play FPS' and RTS - would like to be able to play them on high to ultra preferably.

I was looking at the msi gt780dxr - had a GTX 570m - not sure how powerful that is but its alot better tan others I've seen.
keep in mind:

1 - 99% of the time, laptop CPU and graphics card are not upgradeable. You can play current games but not so sure about future games.
2 - laptop CPU are low voltage type and do not have the same performance as the the equivalent CPU desktop model.
3 - Laptop will get hot and noisy. My Sony Vaio with i7/AMD 6690M get really noisy even when playing WoW. When playing Skyrim the underside is quite warm.
I understand but I am not in the position to buy a desktop at the moment.

I know that in the future ie. 1 or 2 years, I will be playing most games on medium or even low settings. But by that time, I'll only really need the laptop for schoolwork with the occasional game.
disregard douchebags above me

a lot of newer laptops are coming out with the GTX 670/675/680m graphic cards. I'd suggest getting an Ivy bridge I5/I7 with one of the above mentioned cards, it maybe pushing your budget a bit but should be well worth it.


Those laptops are the best value for money I have seen yet!
- Do you know how much they weigh (approx.)
- Are you sure that parts are replaceable?

Parts that are replaceable in a "clevo based" (Sager being one of their rebrand reseller) notebook:
and of course Ram, HDD, and Optical Drive.
Basically, most hardware but NOT THE MOTHERBOARD (Chipset).

There are a lot of resellers selling Clevo rebrands too.
Gentech, AVA direct, digitalstorm, eurocom, cyberpower, xotic, sager... (just these off top of my head) etc.

Some retailers also sells MSI barebones, they are somewhat more noisy than the clevo rebrands but cheaper with less upgradeable paths.
cheap but good gaming , LEnovo Y570 at ebay buy a seller refubished for 600US dlls, i would recommend you should wait for more IVY bridge and KEPLER GAMINg LAPTOPS to roll out, just watch the ASUS G75.... AMAZING!!! but not in your budget