Getting Galaxy S3 with 4G SIM card: 4G SIM card vs SIM card


Dec 22, 2011
So I've never had a phone that uses SIM card before.

Now that I bought and will be receiving Galaxy S3 with 4G SIM card, I have some newbie questions.

- Is 4G SIM card for the 4G or phone or both? If I put someone else's non 4G SIM card in my phone, would that work?
- I wasn't aware that Verizon phones can have SIM card before. Will I be able to my phone in Asia with a different SIM card?
- If I use a different SIM card in Asia, does it have to be 4G?

You can use a non 4G sim for your GS3. It's just Verizon offers these sims to give you capability to access 4G features offered by their network. Also if you're outside US, you can activate the "Roaming" feature which allows you to use the same SIM and communicate with folks in the US.

Since your phone is provided by Verizon, it's most likely locked to the Verizon network and unable to use other sim cards. There is what we call "phone unlocking" so that you will have an open network however this voids your warranty.