Ghost 2001 - Fully Erasing CD-RW's



Does anybody know of any software out there that fully (deep) erases a CD-RW disc and wipes files on a CD-R disc? Particularly, every time that I back up my primary hard drive via Ghost 2001 on a CD-RW I can't reuse that CD-RW disc becuase Ghost needs an unformatted CD-R/RW disc. I currently own an HP CD-Writer and the software bundle does allow me to erase an RW but it's not good enough for Ghost because it complains and refuses to write the erased CD-RW disc. It's like the format is not a deep/full erase or fomat.
The same goes for CD-R discs. Once Ghost writes to a CD-R disc, it won't allow you to delete the file. And no it's not just the read/write properties - Ghost just won't allow you to delete a .gho file period. So, if I want to throw away a CD-R that contains a .gho file I have to bust it in half.

Any ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

the cdr software i use (nero and nti) both have 2 options for erase, quick (takes 2 minutes or so) and full (did this once, after an hour I gave up waiting for it and went out so I dont know the full time), but maybe this is what you need? but I use ghost and have had no porbs with the quick erase.

Next time you wave - use all your fingers
I've seen this post unanswered for some long time, and I asked my friend who does GHOST backup for files on regular basis.
As he told, he uses Ghost at work to create images for different departments. They start with a generic image, then add different programs/applications for the appropriate departments. These change from time to time. For this reason they only use CD-RWs to burn the images.
He doesn't know why is that problem with Ghost and blank CD-RWs.