Good 11.6 laptop for basic use. UK

Sure, they can be found for that sort of price.

Two excellent examples:

Either would be a lot better, and the ebay seller offers different options: Windows 7 or 10 depending on user comfort though I'd go with 10 since 7 won't be updated much longer and you'd eventually need to move on either way. Memory and HDD size are options (more is better though would up the cost a bit)
The specs on any laptop of such low cost aren't much different (which is to say equally crappy). Setting a filter on that site under 200 pounds reveals what I'd expect on this side of the pond for $200 or under. Any of them will get basic stuff done but the experience won't be great.


1. If that budget is set there's not much that's going to change spec-wise. Your ultimate choice can depend on other factors but no choice will be particularly good

2. Any boost to that budget would yield a great improvement in the laptop available.

Finally, a suggestion:

If the budget can't be raised look for a somewhat older or refurbished unit on a site like ebay. The laptops at the very bottom of the spectrum you see here use a Celeron, near the bottom of Intel's CPU hierarchy. Even a Pentium (the next step above) would be much better, let alone a proper i-series chip (in order of lowest to greatest performance, and cost: i3, i5, i7). A proper hard drive should offer more storage space than the limited 32GB on any of these models. A used/refurb model from a couple of years back can offer significantly higher specs at similar cost to these things.

Hi thank you for your answer. I dont mind going second hand but will it still be under £200? Do you have any reccomendations?
Sure, they can be found for that sort of price.

Two excellent examples:

Either would be a lot better, and the ebay seller offers different options: Windows 7 or 10 depending on user comfort though I'd go with 10 since 7 won't be updated much longer and you'd eventually need to move on either way. Memory and HDD size are options (more is better though would up the cost a bit)

wow wow wow thank you so much!! I am going with the Lenova one because I like the colour better. I was wondering should I mesasage the seller if he could make the price cheaper if he/she removed the OS? I have a legit W10 OS so I dont really need it. Also should I go 4GB ram? Can I replace the HDD and put my SSD in?

Thank you once again you have saved my life lol :)
It's perfectly acceptable to contact the seller, sure. As to the memory 4GB is what you might consider the current baseline standard though if it doesn't cost too much to bump it to 6 or 8 I'd go for it. If your SSD is a 2.5" SATA drive, it should swap right in. Windows might or might not boot but if all goes well all you'll need to do is make sure the proper drivers are updated and that Windows activates.

Actually you can select no OS lol. However when I click no OS I cant select SSD? why is that? I also found glitch I think? basically when you select THEN remove the OS option
As you can see the price with SSD and NO OS is MUCH cheaper? Is this a glitch or something? or is it that I cant turn on the laptop if I do this? Im kinda confused. SOrry if im confusing you too haha
If this is the same Thinkpad I linked above I don't see the option for no OS (only for no pre-installed copy of Office). As to the option not being available it may be that that particular configuration is out of stock.

yep its the lenova one you linked. IThe option for no OS is you have to select '- select-' and I THINK that means no OS? Anyways if you do that the price comes to £139.
Do you see it?
As I understand it the option labeled "select" is null. Under the office options below that, the option for no office is clearly stated so if the Windows choice selection works the same way, it would also be clearly marked. I'd contact the seller if you want to see if such an option can be arranged.
IOW, each drop-down box must have a clearly labeled choice selected to generate a price. What you may be seeing with the price going to 139 is that the price displayed is the minimum baseline when not all choices are selected.

Oh yes, my bad. I messaged the seller :)

What are the chances the seller will grant my request? I mean how hard is it not to give me an OS lol? I cant see a reason why the seller cant do that.
I can't speak for the seller, though the one concern I can imagine is that as what seems to be a relatively large-scale ebay seller they have a bunch pre-made ready to ship and would have to make a special accomodation for this kind of thing.

OTOH, the worst case is that you get duplicate a license but either way it's a great deal.

I see. I hope the seller will remove the OS for me lol

Btw with the OS it would cost 214 and without 179. Can I get a 120GB SSD for less than 30? Also it dosent state what SSD maybe its samsung? ofc not 😀
I'd guess it's a basic SSD though it'll still run circles around any HDD. If you don't think you'll need much space for storage it should be fine (that's almost certainly just a regular 2.5" SATA drive though so should be simple to swap out)

Thank you :)
I was wondering if that's the best deal you can find? Is there one with the option no OS? that will significantly reduce the total price.

If not I will definatly buy the Lenova one you linked 😀
I didn't go through the different ebay offerings to check for a "No OS" listing (on ebay I put in: used, manufacturer refurbished or seller refurbished / under 200 / located in UK only / buy now) and those two I suggested jumped out as among the best offerings. With the base of that system though it looks as good as you can get.

I've been through this before myself - when getting my mom her first laptop I got a refurbished i5 based HP instead of one of those cheap stream books. :)

Aww thank you 😀

My parents have no clue how to turn on laptop nor pc -_-

May I ask which one is better the HP or the Lenova one? The HP one is £10 cheaper I think.
They're pretty similar as base systems. Both have the same CPU, the HP has a slightly larger screen (same resolution though) and a DVD drive, otherwise they're about the same as far as base platforms and have similar options to configure (go figure, it's from the same seller).

I guess the HP is better you want a DVD drive and bigger screen.

Thank you so much again! I will update you once the seller response to my message!