I and my crew wants a cam for our video recording. we'r not professional but intermediate. currently using 720p cannon cam but its not satisfying us. when we use it with after effects etc... the effects don't look so good. any suggestions!
Sir, we will use it for short documentaries and music videos. low light performance isn't necessary but its optional. price range is about $200 US.. we just want good movie quality nothing else. don't care about mic.
It's hard to find a cheap video camera that will look good for more than basic use, you need more than $200 to get a good video camera. I have seen the GOPRO cameras do some great video, with lots of motion and they are tough.
hang-the-9 is absolutely correct. You sacrifice quality when going with a cheap camera. If possible and you can wait it is best to save for a better camera. In the long run you will be happier and produce better quality videos. I have the 2nd generation GoPro and it has worked well for me.