Good program for sorting music collection?


Oct 3, 2006
Does anyone know a good piece of software for assisting in sorting music collections? Or maybe some that can do it semi automatically.

Currently my music is simply stored in d:\bought music\[artist] - [album] ([year]) and I want to sort it a bit better for performance reasons.
Preferably something along the line of [genre] \ [artist] \ [album] ([year])
Would be an immense job though. Currently there are 598 different genres listed in the id3 tags, and not all items carry one in the first place. Actually am looking for a software to fill in the blanks there too as the radio in my car only reads the id3 and sometimes will display simply 'Unknown'

"Music Collector" looks nice. i tried this software before posting it even though i dont have much files..

they sent 5$ discount coupon & also have some nice discount offers upto 20$ discount for other purchases.. try it
"November Offers - valid through November 25, 2012"

also found these by google

i just want to try lot of tools like these, but toooo limited h/w resources & my stupid mobile internet holding me very tight..
Trying this for my music collection, just started and not too happy with it. Can't move items up or down in the list. Not properly listing 2 disk sets; only disk 1. Will keep at it but have 700 or so disks to list and if it does not go smoothly that will kill the idea. Anyone working with this? KDM